DGO picks in and around Durango: June 7 to 13

by DGO Web Administrator

Folk yourself This weekend marks the 13th annual Pagosa Folk ‘n’ Bluegrass festival. You can see Australian guitar player Tommy Emmanuel’s fancy fingerwork, award-winning blind fiddle player Michael Cleveland, and strange duo Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley, along with many more over three days of Americana magic.

Details: June 8-10, one, two, and three-day passes available for various prices, various times, Reservoir Hill, 320 Hot Springs Blvd., folkwest.com


Hustle and flo Denver outfit Flobots, along with opener Astralogic, take the Animas City Theatre stage. The hip-hop/indie group came to Colorado fame in 2007 with hitmaker “Handlebars,” but the group has remained busy over the past decade. Their latest album was released in May 2017, but here’s to hoping for some new tracks live on the summer tour.

Details: June 9, $22, 8 p.m., Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Drive, animascitytheatre.com

Death peddle The 235-mile Death Ride Tour is known as one of the toughest races in the U.S., and for good reason. Riders will traverse five mountain passes as they loop through Silverton, Telluride, and Durango over three days. This challenge is not unlike the struggle those who suffer from Lou Gehrig’s disease face from day to day. Each participant in the race raises a minimum of $300 to support ALS.

Details: June 9-11, $125 registration fee plus $300 raised in donations, deathridetour.com


Cha-cha-cha changesStudio &’s newest show, Rivers: (Un)Conscious Tributaries, considers the topic of change though the apt metaphor of a river. (You can never step in the same one twice.) Durango Arts Center exhibits director Peter Hay and DAC administrative operations coordinator Doug Gonzalez reflect on life in flux through photography, collage, drawing, and painting.

Details: Opening reception on June 8, free, 5 p.m., Studio & Gallery, 1207 Main Ave., anddurango.com

Braaap! Braaap!Grab your chaps and mount your metal steed, because the week-long Women’s Motorcycle Summit is rolling into town. The event starts with a two-day expo at the Strater Hotel, with vendors, gear workshops, riding clinics, and more. A four-day rally in Silverton follows the expo, with daily bike scavenger hunts and other tough gal activities.

Details: June 10-16, $397, individual event tickets available, The Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave., womensmotorcyclesummit.com


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