From the Files of Not Normal: Alternative Facts

by Patty Templeton

Alternative Fact 1: Donald J. Trump dresses up as Rainbow Dash on the weekends and Melania rides him in a She-Ra costume.

Alternative Fact 2: Every first Tuesday of the month, Donald J. Trump views Paul Ryan perform naked skits inspired by Buffalo Bill from “Silence of the Lambs.”

Did any of that sound a little … off? It was. Those were not facts. They were “alternative facts.” An alternative fact is a LIE.News you need to knowKellyanne Conway is one of Trump’s closest advisors. Recently, on “Meet the Press,” Conway was asked why the White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, reaffirmed President Trump’s lie that he had the biggest inauguration crowd in history. The show host contended that Spicer lost credibility, as did the president, by lying on Day 1 to the press, let alone not allowing a single reporter to ask a question during the briefing.

Conway stated that Spicer didn’t lie, he gave “alternative facts.”

Alternative facts do not exist. A fact is indisputable. The only alternative to a fact is a falsehood. A falsehood is a GD lie.

Why this is not normalConway attempted to normalize lying by creating the Orwellian term “alternative facts.” It is a fascist tactic. (Fascism is when the government has all the power, instead of the people.) If a government can create more than one version of the truth, it means they can persuade you to believe their version.

If Press Secretary Spicer, advisor Conway, and President Trump will lie about something as *petty* as crowd size, what actual issues will they fabricate and falsify?

Patty TempletonDGO Staff Writer


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