Ladies, y’all can pee standing up now. That’s right. No more accidentally squatting in poison ivy or having a rogue squirrel leap on your back and bronco ride you mid-stream. No more worries about peeing off the side of the boat and falling backside first into Jawsburg. No more hovering over public toilets of gonno-herpa-nastitude.
There’s such thing as a “female urination device,” or an F.U.D. for short, and DGO’s pal Kate Johnson has one. We asked Johnson about her F.U.D., the GoGirl – and it sounds like a whole lotta hell yeah.
Lowdown, please. How do you use a GoGirl? Do you insert it?All you have to do is unzip, move your underwear to the side, and maybe bend your knees slightly so you can get it placed firmly on your body. It’s basically a funnel. You don’t want any leaking out of the top.
What does it feel like?It feels very convenient. [laughs]
What’s it made out of? It’s silicone and comes folded up in a little tube. I have a little wet bag that I keep it in. It’s light.
What situations can someone use a GoGirl? I use it most when I’m camping and hiking, not every single time, because I don’t have a problem with dropping trou, but there are situations where it is easier if you’re not in a secluded spot. Having your back turned is a lot easier than having your backside hanging out.
So, hiking, camping, and if you hate using port-o-potties at concerts or festivals, you can take it with you and just stand there and use it and not have to sit on a gross toilet.
What was the first time using it like?The first time I tried it, I tried it in the shower to make sure I could do it right. I wanted to get the hang of it. I have to say, it’s pretty cool. [Laughs] Peeing standing up is pretty awesome.
Do you think F.U.D.s are a trend or here to stay?I feel like last fall, maybe the fall before, “Backpacker Magazine” was doing this huge thing on women backpacking and they had a couple of articles on it. It’s interesting because a lot of women were like, “I don’t need to use that. I don’t have a problem squatting.” It’s just a nice choice to have.
For me, it’s easier in terms of, as a woman you have to take off your pants to go to the bathroom. I’ve been hiking with plenty of guys and all they have to do is step to the side and have an easy time with everything covered. Now that’s an option for women that I think will stick around.
Any other tips for new users? Aim away from your feet. [Laughs]
Pee in grass or somewhere it won’t splash back at you. Guys might be used to that idea already. It was new to me, splashback.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. — Patty TempletonDGO Staff Writer