High-ass recipe: High-aya

by DGO Web Administrator

It’s rice, vegetables, meat and spices. It’s kind of like jambalaya with its Cajun-y-ness, and it’s also kind of like paella. Put the two together with some optional high-assiness, and you have high-ella … or maybe it should be called jumbal-high-ya. Regardless, when it’s done, all you need is a bowl and spoon and a high-definition television for mesmerizing atmosphere.

What you’ll need:

Around a pound of your favorite meat, seafood or veggie patty (we used a 12-ounce tube of smoked sausage).

2 bell peppers (get different colors because it’s pretty), chopped large

1 large onion, chopped large

2 cloves garlic, chopped

1 can diced tomatoes (with green chilies if you can find them)

2 cups rice, cooked

2 tablespoons butter (for the rice)

2 tablespoons oil

2 tablespoons paprika

1½ tablespoons Cajun spice


Get the rice going first, because if everything else is done and you’re just waiting on the rice, then your high ass will just start eating everything else and you’ll say, “This doesn’t even need rice” and find yourself eating out of the pan 30 minutes later.

Heat a massive skillet on medium high. Toss in the oil then everything else (this is why we chose sausage … sooooo much easier) and stir regularly for about 10 minutes or so, not letting the vegetables get soggy. When done, toss the already-done rice in the skillet along with the spices and mix until blended. Turn off the stove and let the flavors mingle a bit.

Not sufficiently high-ass for you? You can always add some grated cheese, some barbecue sauce or maybe some sour cream. We’ve never added them, but it sounds good, right?


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