Love it or Hate it: Mornings

by David Holub

Love it As sheriff Jim Hopper uttered on “Stranger Things”: “Mornings are for contemplation and coffee.”

I don’t know where I first heard it, but it makes sense to me: I like writing in the morning best, before the world and all its nonsense has weighed me down and filled my head; my daily tasks and obligations haven’t yet crushed my spirit, the world’s difficult people haven’t yet enraged me. All my energy – mental and physical – is at full strength.

I love the quiet of morning, all the humans and animals just beginning to stir. I love a lazy morning, mainly because being lazy is fun, but mornings are the only time of day where it is socially acceptable to be lazy. The only thing that makes a normal lazy morning better is a snuggle-inducing, pattering drizzle outside.

Apart from it being the only part of the day where you can hit the snooze button and sleep another hour, I love mornings because there’s nothing like brewing a pot of coffee and making a leisurely breakfast full of carbohydrates, eggs any style and assorted breakfast meats. Oh, and more coffee and contemplation.

David HolubHate itSome people are early birds, some night owls. In a 2014 comparative study done by researchers at the University of Barcelona, it was decided that morning people were more resistant to fatigue and frustration, which tended to translate into lower levels of anxiety, depression and the likelihood of substance abuse. Evening people were more impulsive and adventurous, plus more likely to suffer from insomnia, ADHD and other mental disorders. However, creative people also tended to be night owls.

My circadian rhythm has always branded me a night owl. I’ve tried to change my habits, but it doesn’t work. I’ve long since felt most alert, creative and productive in the evenings. 11 p.m. was a peak time for getting school assignments done. Even now, I want to stay up until 2 and sleep until noon, but society is structured around making life easier for larks. Mornings are a horror I have to contend with on a daily basis.

I hate everything about the morning. My brain and body aren’t awake early – even my stomach refuses sustenance until at least 11 a.m. It’s so cold, especially in the winter; slipping out of a warm bed into a room that reeks like death’s icy breath is an unusual form of torture. I know sunrises are gentle and lovely and quiet, but I’ve only seen a couple in my lifetime. I prefer to watch the moon and stars and blazing sunsets. I like being up when it feels like the rest of the world is in Dream Land.

Anya Jaremko-Greenwold


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