Strain review: Papaya Punch from Prohibition Herb

by DGO Pufnstuf

Well, you guys — I leveled up. This week I smoked some weed that caused me to write some of the most unintelligible notes I’ve ever seen. Stoner level complete, I guess.

I’m not kidding, by the way. These notes are an impressive mess of nonsense, but I clearly felt the need to jot them down as my mind delved into the cobwebbed spaces that are rarely accessed. What was the strain that made into a weird brainiac? Well, it’s called Papaya Punch, and it is a real beast.

And by that I mean it was really fun. Papaya Punch is an indica strain created by crossing Purple Punch F and Papaya F. The batch we smoked tested at 29.57% THC, which is an absurd amount for freaking flower. This stuff smells so good, but is so, so dangerous.

Well, only dangerous if you need to use your notes for a review, anyway. It’s hardly dangerous in the traditional sense. In fact, it’s a hell of a lot of fun, and the antics that led up to the nonsense notes are proof.

Here’s what happened. I picked up some of this Papaya Punch from Prohibition Herb, which currently has this strain on the floor for your smoking pleasure. I had planned on smoking it alone, but a friend of mine — you may recognize the name Blaze Ridcully from some of the reviews we’ve written — texted me in a mood because they were dumped (via text) and wanted to come visit. Being the friend that I am, I decided to wait until Blaze got into town to smoke this batch of weed. What better than to smoke out a friend who’d just gotten dumped? Weed heals everything, right?

Right. So, Blaze arrived at my house all ass hurt over the breakup and I whipped out the batch of Papaya Punch as a way to get them to stop whining. Blaze immediately stuck their nose in it, commented on how fruity it smelled, and then we lit up a bowl. One hit in we were both choking like crazy. Two hits in I was laughing like a hyena while coughing, and then laughing even harder as Blaze coughed up a lung, too.

This giggle weed then caused Blaze to start laughing, which was a lot nicer than hearing them whine about being dumped, to be honest. Thank the Papaya Punch gods for that! We spent what felt like an eternity laughing at nothing but the fact that we were coughing and then attempted to catch up.

As you may imagine, catching up went awry, because holy mother of god is this stuff strong. We were both high, high (yah both high) and were having a hard time conversing without taking 20 second pauses between words. Blaze attempted to tell me a story but nothing was coming


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