Swipe right: Meet Durango single Mashi Saloman

by DGO Web Administrator

Navigating the modern dating scene is bizarre. People get to know each other through devices, only to find out zero chemistry exists beyond a thoughtful eggplant emoji, and dating app methods can lead to you paying the tab for a pervy name-dropping cat-person.

Meeting someone via a local paper isn’t any less weird, but at least it’s interesting. We’ve interviewed some local singles who have a lot going for them, but are still on the market for reasons we can’t understand. Get to know them a little bit, and if you’re interested in setting up a date, email us at [email protected] and tell us about yourself. Your guess is as good as ours for what it might lead to.

If you want to be featured or know somebody who is single and ready for romance, drop us a line.

Mashi Salomon

Age: 30

Occupation: Independent Living Specialist at Southwest Center for Independence

Sign: Pisces

What’s your poison?Whiskey ginger

Why are you still single? Living in Colorado, everybody has this young, Peter Pan mentality that hinders them from putting in the work that a relationship would take because they are too busy playing outdoors. Balance is key. I’ve been looking for a little bit of both – (someone with) a good work ethic and an outdoor enthusiast. That combination is a little bit harder to find then if you were in a city environment and focused on family life.

Have you ever been ghosted or ghosted someone? You know, I recently was ghosted for the first time and it’s not fun! Honestly, I think it’s because the person just came out of a relationship and wasn’t ready for something. But communication is key. If you’re an adult, the nicest thing to do is just communicate what’s going on. You should both understand it’s not right and just move on. I’m kind of an old soul. I feel like a grandma, (in grandma voice). “Why is this happening in this society!”

What qualities do you look for in a person? Number one is genuine honesty. Self-awareness because we all come with baggage, but if we are aware of it, we can work through it. Consistency. Empathy is huge. At this point in my life, I’d say they need to be adventurous and outdoorsy, because that is pretty much the scope of what I do when I’m not working. A sense of humor is always a plus, but I can make up for that for both. Kind. Genuine. A little deep. I like a little deepness. Shallow living never appealed to me.

What do you want people to know about you that is different? I grew up in a very religious environment where I felt very hindered as a person, and I was told who I should be. I’ve always been different in that way. I moved to Colorado by myself three years ago, not knowing a soul, not having a job or a place to live, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.

Do you prefer texting or calling to get to know someone?A mixture of both. Texting if you’re making plans, but if you’re starting to get to know someone and you’re both feeling it, (texting) would show interest and investment. There is also something about hearing someone’s voice that you’re just meeting. Having some sort of phone conversation, you can see if there was more of a connection, because you’re not being worried or self-conscious about looking at each other. You have that time to get to know each other on a deeper level.


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