Topical review: Dixie Topicals SYNERGY Soak 100:100

by DGO Pufnstuf

I overdid it on Halloween. Like, way overdid it. My body ached, my brain ached, my … I don’t know. Everything freaking ached, OK?

I recognize that part of getting old is feeling like actual ass after drinking, but my brain doesn’t always take this information into account when I’m bored. Sometimes it just lets me be me, booze in hand, and then my body pays the price. It’s like my brain is trying to sabotage me or something.

Why am I telling you this, you ask? Nobody cares how much canned wine I drank while socially distant on Halloween? Well, I care! I care and I found something that helped — which may help YOU the next time your brain sabotages your body.

And that something is Dixie Topicals Synergy Soak 100:100, which is a bottle of bath salts that will fix you right up when you’re hungover… or when you’re sore from working out and/or insane on a trail or something. Whatever source your pain originates from, I guess.

My source of pain just happened to be alcohol, because I’m a glutton for punishment. I don’t drink much these days ­­— despite it being a more common pastime for most of America during the pandemic. My stomach, what with its picky-bitch churning and fighting, can’t handle it. And neither can my body, which aches and creaks — whether I’ve had one beer or 15.

And I, unfortunately, went with the latter amount on Halloween. I was bored, annoyed with the pandemic, and really wishing I was at a bar — where I could laugh at peoples’ stupid costumes to my heart’s content. I was not at a bar, though. I was in a yard, drink or 7 in hand.

I knew what was coming, though, so other than drinking too much, I did all of the things that I should to temper the storm the next morning. I ate greasy food, I smoked a bowl of weed, and I went to bed early.

When I woke up on November 1, though? Well, you know what happened. I was dying. My mouth was dry, my stomach was a mess, and I was really freaking achy. I was hungover and wishing for a flux capacitor to take me back in time so I could make better decisions.

I did not have a flux capacitor, though. I only had a bottle of Dixie Topicals Synergy Soak 100:100 — which I grabbed in desperation. I was hopeful that this CBD-THC bath soak would help alleviate SOME of my day-after flu symptoms. I figured it might be useful since the whole point of this soak is to help alleviate inflammation, anxiety, and stress — which I had in spades thanks to the booze.

I hadn’t used this soak before, but I have tried other THC-CBD bath soaks. Not gonna lie — I haven’t been that impressed with some of the other products out there. They’re … fine, but I don’t get much use out of the THC bath bombs.

This stuff seemed a little different when I flipped open the lid, though. It smelled like a hippie shop, not a bottle of lotion, which was promising. I tossed a liberal amount into the tub and dumped myself in.

What happened, you ask? Well, I didn’t get high (that came later via some weed, friends) — but I did feel a hell of a lot better after 10 or 15 minutes. I don’t know what did it, whether it was the bath or the soak or the combo, but something helped ease that ache in my soul a bit.

My limbs, which had been on freaking FIRE prior to the soak, were suddenly useful again. I could lift the glass of water by the tub without sweating or swearing, anyway.

And, oddly enough, my headache was alleviated quite a bit, too. I still can’t smell much post-COVID (despite it being MONTHS since my recovery), but I could smell some of the pine and lavender in the soak. That may be what helped with the ol’ noggin. Not sure though, and it doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t care what cures my raging hangovers, as long they’re gone.

This one stayed gone long after I emerged from my bathtub, too. I felt better well into the evening — especially after I ate a bunch of carbs to help soak up the stomach acids that were destroying my esophagus.

So, while I don’t recommend getting drink-drank-drunk and then dumping this bath soak into a hot tub to fix your ailments, I DO recommend this for a bath soak. It’s the perfect cure for whatever hell you put your body through on your misadventures — whether that’s hiking up Hogsback, mountain biking down cliffs, skiing down deadly peaks, or whatever trouble you find yourself in.

And I do mean trouble. Y’all Coloradans are crazy.

DGO Pufnstuf


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