In case you haven’t noticed, the holidays are in full swing: It seems like every store has Christmas carols cranked, bell ringers are doing their thing, and parking lots around town are jam-packed.
So if the thought of battling your way through a huge store in search of the perfect gift makes your hands sweat, why not support local artists instead?
From 6 to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday (Dec. 2 and 3), the DIY collective Sweet 101 will be hosting a Craft Fair & Art Sale. With 10 local artists – five each night – selling their work, including textiles, typography, illustration, printmaking, etc., you’re bound to find something cool.
Friday night’s artists will be: Kelsey Kansas, Tayler Hahn, Jill Babovec, Vanessa Bohaty, and Ben Palmer. Saturday is: Mymsi, Emily Perea, Betsy Ward, Saint Sinner and Natascha Sorensen.
You can find Sweet 101 at 858 Main Ave. (alley entrance).