A weird moment of deja vu with Sage and Sour

by DGO Pufnstuf

So, something super weird happened Friday night. I realized that night – well, I’m like, 85 percent sure, anyway – that my high school friend Ram is one of the cops on Live PD, the best-worst show on television.

How did I come to this conclusion? Well, it all started with some Sage and Sour weed, which was sent to us by the folks over at Blend, a new-ish dispensary in Mancos. Blend carries some of the strains grown by Durango Cannabis Co., of which Sage and Sour is one. The strains Durango Cannabis Co. grows are rad, well-cultivated strains, and Sage and Sour – a sativa hybrid created by crossing S.A.G.E. (aka Sativa Afghani Genetic Equillibrium) with (you guessed it) Sour Diesel – is no exception.

I lit up a bowl right after work on Friday as a gentle foray into the weekend. The taste was sweet and herbal, which was a bit surprising, honestly, because Sour Diesel is so reminiscent of gasoline that I always just expect anything crossed with it to taste like that time I accidentally dumped fuel all over my hands, jeans, and feet at a gas station. My teenage years were rough.

It was only a matter of minutes before the high started to kick in, and it felt like a sudden rush of laughing gas to the head. As you might imagine, it had the same effects as laughing gas, and it wasn’t long after that I began to feel ridiculously amused with EVERYTHING. My package of healthy gummies was funny. (Who makes carrot gummies?! Absurd!) My dumb dog was funny. Hell, even my crappy day seemed funny at that point. I was, you guessed it, freakin’ high.

So, what does my friend Ram have to do with all of this, you ask? Well, let me tell you. Because I very much liked this strain, and had a very crappy week, I ended up smoking more than one bowl over the course of a couple hours. And, not surprisingly, I started to feel like a wobbly TV screen from the ’80s – the kind with vertigo-inducing lines that would appear when the antenna needed to be adjusted. To temper the static, I threw myself onto the couch and flipped on Live PD.

As I was watching, I noticed that one of the officers out of El Paso looks a LOT like this dude Ramiro I hung out with throughout high school. It was total deja vu, but I figured I was just stoned. I stoned-rambled on a bit to my smoking partner about things like high school, Ram, and his old Toyota, and then, as if perfectly timed, the name of the officer flashed across the bottom of the screen. There it was: Ramiro. FREAKING RAMIRO.

Am I sure that this officer out of El Paso on Live PD is my old friend? No, I am not, because Sage and Sour kicked my ass into giggle-bitch territory. But I am sure I THINK it’s him.

I am also sure I really like this strain. The Sage and Sour sent over from Blend was a great batch. The taste was so clean, the effects dove right into my soul, and I really loved the rush from laughing at the SWAT team, who looked to me like they were wearing scuba gear.

Anyway, thanks for the baller weed, Blend. And Ram? If that’s you, call me. I still have one of your shirts, and I need to prove to everyone my super-stoned recognition skills are on point. Kthxbye.

DGO Pufnstuf


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