Celebrate thine independence at these regional 4th of July events

by Amanda Push

Holy fireworks. To borrow a joke from Jim Gaffigan, it’s about time to blow shit up to honor our forefathers who fought and died for our freedom from Great Britain long, long, long ago. ‘Merica, baby. If you’re looking to keep your spirits up and commemorate another year of the country not totally crumpling to the ground, here’s a roundup of events you should find yourself at to partay.

Durango7:30-11:30 a.m.: All-American gourmet breakfast at Rotary Park.

8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m.: Mild to Wild’s 4th of July River Rafting Parade on the Lower Animas River starting at Mild to Wild Rafting, 50 Animas View Drive.

9 a.m.: Durango Parks and Recreation Freedom 5K at Rotary Park. Register by 8:45 a.m.

9:15-10:45 a.m.: Free concert at Rotary Park by Southwest Civic Winds and “American Voices: What it Means to be an American,” presented by Fort Lewis College.

Noon-4:30 p.m.: Independence Day Party presented by Building Homes for Heroes. BBQ, beer, and the Devin Scott Ukulele Band and Pete Giuliani.

6-6:45 p.m.: Stars and Stripes Parade on Main Avenue.

7 -9:30 p.m.: Independence Day Dance on Main Avenue presented by KSUT and the city of Durango. Will include beer garden, entertainment by the Hi-Rollers, and food.

9:15 p.m.: Fireworks

Bayfield7-10 a.m.: Bayfield Lions Club pancake breakfast.

8 a.m.: Bayfield Firecracker 5K.

10 a.m.: Bayfield 4th of July parade.

11 a.m.-3: p.m.: Festivities in Joe Stephenson Park including live music, food vendors, and merchandise.

11 a.m.-3: p.m.: Pine River Rotary Beer Tent.

Noon: The Serrano’s Annual Horseshoe Tournament at Eagle Park.

12:30 p.m.: Corn hole tournament at the Pine River Valley Rotary Beer Tent. $10 entry fee.

7-9 p.m.: Music at Joe Stephenson Park, featuring 3rd and Long.

Dusk: Bayfield fireworks show at Joe Stephenson Park.

Silverton8-10 a.m.: Fourth of July Fun Run at Memorial Park. Benefits the Silverton Youth Center.

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.: Fourth of July Parade on Greene and Blair Streets. Ends in giant water fight.

12-4 p.m.: Carnival at Memorial Park featuring the Silverton Brass Band Concert.

2-3 p.m.: Duck Derby at Cement Creek.

6-10 p.m.: Greene and 12th Street Block Party.

Dusk: Fireworks near Shrine of the Mines on Anvil Mountain.

CortezDusk: Fireworks at Centennial Park.

MancosDusk: Public fireworks display in Boyle Park.

Pagosa Springs10 a.m.: Pagosa Springs Rotary 4th of July Parade on Main Street downtown.

11 a.m.-7 p.m.: Park 2 Park Arts & Crafts Festival hosted by the Pagosa Springs Chamber.

Dusk: Public fireworks display at the Pagosa Springs High School Sports Complex.

Farmington11 a.m.-5:30 p.m.: Party in the Park at Brookside Park. Will include food, live music, and vendors.

11 a.m.: Skateboard competition at Brookside Skatepark.

2 p.m.: Water Balloon Dodgeball at Brookside Park.

3 p.m.: Pizza 9 Pizza Eating Contest at Brookside Park.

3 p.m.: A Musical Tribute to America at First Presbyterian Church.

9 p.m.: Outdoor Summer Theater at Lions Wilderness Park.

9 p.m.: Farmington Rotary Electric Light Parade on downtown Main Street.

Amanda Push


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