DGO picks in and around Durango: November 22 to 28

by DGO Web Administrator

Trot that…turkey?We want to make so many jokes, but we won’t, because the annual Turkey Trot, a beloved Thanksgiving day race that’s been taking place for like, three decades or so, is pretty great. You can choose between the 5-mile race or 1-mile fun run – either sound like the right kind of Turkey Day torture to us – and it will help you burn off the carbs, the turkey, the stuffing, ol’ Aunt Sally’s addictive yam-and-marshmallow amalgam, and the 36 slices of pie you’ll down your gullet. So, just yourself out of the house and over to Fort Lewis College for the run. The trot is a time honored tradition, and it’ll allow you to say yes to that extra serving of mashed potatoes without a second thought because, well, all the exercise. Seems like a win to us.

Details: Nov. 22, Turkey Trot, , 9:45 a.m., Fun Run is free, 5-mile is $20 to $25, Fort Lewis College at the Student Union Building, 1000 Rim Drive, runsignup.com/race/CO/Durango

Try the salsa (without chips)Everyone knows that Wild Horse Saloon is a country music haven, but does everyone know that it is also a salsa music haven? Well, to be fair, it’s a salsa music LESSON haven. What we mean by that is that you can take some salsa lessons at Wild Horse Saloon to gain a little control over those two left feet. Maybe one will start to turn slightly toward the right…or maybe you’ll just be salsa dancing with two left feet ad infinitum. You’ll just have to try it out to see. Or, you could just stick to the line dancing lessons. Ain’t nobody need coordination for that business.

Details: Nov. 27, Salsa Lessons, 6:30 p.m., free, Wild Horse Saloon, 120 Second Ave., wildhorsesaloon.com

Get on the Jackmormon jackwagonAre you familiar with Jerry Joseph & The Jackmormons? If your answer was no, please remedy that ASAP, because you, dear friend, are missing tf out. You might be familiar with Joseph in sound rather than name, considering that he is like, we don’t know, KIND OF A BIG DEAL. And by that we mean he’s a badass songwriter who’s spilled ink and music notes for Widespread Panic, a band we’re 100 percent sure you’re cool enough to know. Joseph has knocked about 30 freaking albums out of the park at this point in his career – we’re talking solo records, Widespread Panic biz, and Jackmormons stuff – so if you go hang at Animas to catch his show, you’re bound to catch one heck of a unique performance. Do eet.

Details: Nov. 27, Jerry Joseph & The Jackmormons, 7 p.m., $15 to $17, Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Drive, animascitytheatre.com


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