Edible review: Wyld Gummies

by Sir Blaze Ridcully

It is my personal belief that you should always trust your friendly neighborhood budtender when you’re visiting a dispensary. Chances are, they’ve tried most of the products, are on top of all the new stuff coming, and are familiar with the classics. After all, who’s a bigger stoner than a budtender?

Anywho. After making a weed run to Prohibition Herb, I realized how right I was because thanks to my budtender, I got my hands on some Wyld products.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Wyld, let me give you a quick summary. Founded in 2015, Wyld is a Portland, Ore. based company and makes the nation’s top-selling edibles, according to Forbes. The company sells cannabis products in Colorado, California, Nevada, and Oregon. Wyld sells CBD gummies and seltzer in all 50 states. To give you an idea of how profitable this company is, Wyld expects to make $65 million in revenue this year (an increase from $25 million in 2019) and they’re projected to make $130 million in revenue by 2021. That’s a whopping 420% (yes, that’s the number!) increase just since 2019.

“We’re in a good position— just hold our beers while we figure out how to get bigger,” CEO and founder Aaron Morris told Forbes.

Some of their most popular products are their gummies. Wyld gummies come in six flavors: raspberry (sativa), huckleberry (hybrid), marionberry (indica), peach (2:1, CBD:THC), pomegranate (1:1), and strawberry (20:1). I got me some huckleberry because, well, I’m a sucker for all things huckleberry. After all, how often do you find huckleberry edibles?

Huckleberry Hybrid, as it’s called, is made with real fruit and a “balanced hybrid terpene profile,” according to Wyld, that is meant to create a sense of cheer. As someone who is committed to cynicism, let’s say I could use a little more cheer in my life.

Wyld huckleberry gummies are packed with flavor. The taste of the berries is flavorful and robust and the gummies are coated with a delicious sugary coat. The smell (and flavor) is sweet and not weedy at all which I am just fine with. You can tell these are some top-notch edibles made with love for stoners.

I was so excited to try these new edibles, I decided I couldn’t wait another day and that I should share them with friends. As you all know, there’s really not much to do with COVID-19 still raging, so, when I say I’m sharing them with friends, it means we all take one then watch a movie on the couch. Which is what we did.

Two things I noticed: Wyld huckleberry gummies will throw you into laughing fits and will literally leave you high and dry with the munchies. And I mean DRY. That cottonmouth was no joke. I can’t remember entirely because most of it was a blur, but I vaguely remember eating an entire bag of chips. There’s no such thing as being full when you have the munchies like that.

We ended up watching “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark,” as we all grew up reading the books and are still haunted by them decades later. Thanks to the movie and the edibles, we’re even more scared. The gummies made every creepy detail that much more heinous. I personally will never recover from the Jangly Man or the Pale Lady. In fact, I still can’t decide which is worse. The great part about the edibles though was that in between the moments of terror, we were laughing our stoned asses off.

There’s a reason Wyld products are flying off the shelves. They’re delicious and an effective way to get high. It doesn’t hurt that the art and packaging are gorgeous either. Is there any coming back from Wyld gummies? Probably not. Thanks for gracing our taste buds, guys.

Sir Blaze Ridcully


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