Get outta town: The Sasquatch Outpost

by Patty Templeton

Bailey is a bastion for Bigfoot. This humble Colorado town has a track record of shit-tons of sightings of the hairy, American cryptid. Jim and Daphne Myers, longtime believers in Bigfoot, opened The Sasquatch Outpost as a way to honor the science and lore of the mannish beast.

The Sasquatch Outpost has a small museum that costs only three bucks to enter and has everything from handmade Bigfoot art to a map of area-centric sightings. If campy, quirky merch is your thing, the gift shop has a HUGE selection of Sasquatch stuff – and if you spend $50 or more, your entry fee is waved. Make sure to actually talk to the person working behind the counter; likely you’ll find one of the owners and they’re full of stories of local sightings and insider knowledge of which trails you should take to make your own Sasquatching successful. Waiting to visit till fine weather months means you’ll probably even get to see an event like a Bigfoot bonfire or a conspiracy theory conference.

If you love roadside Americana, take a weekender to Bailey to visit The Sasquatch Outpost and hike around town. More info at

— Patty Templeton


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