Get virtually educated about ganja with this graduate certificate program in cannabis control

by Amanda Push

With the cannabis industry expanding and becoming more complex by the day, it’s important that those going into the field be fully knowledgeable of its full breadth. After all, it is the fastest growing industry in the U.S., according to Markets Insider.

Thankfully, institutions like Excelsior College, a regionally accredited, not-for-profit online college, now offer a graduate certificate in cannabis control program, starting August 31.

What is a cannabis control program, you ask? Glad you asked! This three-course, nine-credit certificate offers an educational opportunity to people currently working or looking to work in the cannabis industry.

Excelsior’s certificate program educates students on the “opportunities, challenges, and complexities of the cannabis industry and its accompanying regulations.” Students will learn the impact of cannabis legalization on a local, state, and national level.

Instructors hope to prepare students to eventually dialogue and work with policymakers, industry leaders, proprietors, etc as far as the cannabis market is considered.

Before jumping in, here are a few things you should know about the program:

The program is 100% online.

The three courses include:

— Implications of Legalization of Cannabis: Policy and Compliance

— Interstate/International Commerce: Policy and Regulatory Environment

— Risk Assessment in Cannabis Control

Admission to Excelsior’s cannabis control certificate program requires students to have a bachelor’s degree.

This graduate-level certificate program takes an interdisciplinary approach and can be taken alone for college credit and career advancement or applied toward four of Excelsior College’s master’s degree programs.

“The more we talk to experts and leaders in the industry, the more we are hearing about the need for education and training in this dynamic and rapidly-evolving regulatory space. Despite projections of continued growth, regionally-accredited universities and colleges have been relatively slow to respond with educational offerings,” Scott Dolan, dean of graduate studies at Excelsior College, told Benzinga. “For us, this program is naturally aligned with our disciplinary expertise in business, public health, criminal justice, and public administration.”

Amanda Push


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