Is it going to get easier to work in New Mexico’s marijuana industry?

by Amanda Push

New Mexico legislators want to make it easier to work in the marijuana industry

As of June 2021, New Mexico decided to join the cool kids at the legal marijuana recreational table, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome them. But, as with any new significant change to policy, legislators are still working to iron out the kinks. Among the priorities for lawmakers is to make it easier for folks to work in the marijuana industry.

One such measure is Senate Bill 100, proposed by Rep. Linda Lopez and Rep. Andrea Romero. Part of this bill is to expand the number of plants a grow can have. For example, the bill proposes to allow smaller grows to go from being allowed to have 200 plants to 1,000.

This aspect of the bill is meant to provide “equity” to smaller growers, according to Rep. Romero, and create healthy competition and growth opportunities for those in the cannabis industry.

Other measures include cutting down on the cost of plants and allowing business owners that are licensed to sell booze to also sell marijuana (though, not within the same vicinity).

“Hopefully this continues to strengthen the ability for entrepreneurs to get into the business,” Romero told Albuquerque’s KRQE. “And feel very good about how these licenses are being issued.”
While this is just a start, lawmakers know they have a long way to go before laws and processes are perfected.

“We’re going to continue to learn from this industry as we open it up,” Rep. Romero told the TV station.

While recreational marijuana use became legal as of June 29, 2021, cannabis sales won’t start until April 1, while legislators iron out details for growers and retailers. However, sales may be allowed sooner if policies are decided before the deadline.

Like Colorado, New Mexico is planning to levy a state tax on cannabis sold, starting at 12%. Lawmakers eventually raise the tax to 18% by July 2030.


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