Letter: There are furries here, too!

by Voychael

Oh man! Was I ever surprised to see an article about furs in Durango! I have made fursuits for over 10 years. There are a dozen furs here in the 4C area (less than desired, more than expected) and they are SO happy about this article!

However, I will say the fandom is NOT as expensive and underground ritz as the Bay Area fur experience written about here. As a maker, my suits run from $500 to $2,000 depending on the work. The person written about in the article has a suit made with NTF (National Fiber Technology), four-way stretch fabric, which runs $100 per square foot(!), and that is NOT the normal.

Fetishes are welcome (and encouraged) in the fandom. In fact, I couldn’t imagine the fandom without them. Pup-play (master/sub), in particular, is a strong tradition, hence the leather gear mentioned in the article.

I’ve been in the fandom since 2002, and by far, the (Bay Area) furs are the craziest. The Seattle furs party pretty damn hard, too!

I’m gay and I found the fandom as a fantastic alternative to the “gay lifestyle.” In fact, it’s the only place where I feel free to be me without pretension or judgement. Most furs will tell you the same.

I thank DGO for a good article on furs, as we usually don’t get very good press. Maybe for 4/20 I’ll get high and wear a fursuit downtown, handing out this issue of DGO. =P


— VoychaelDurango


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