Strain review: Chem 91 Dabble Butter from Prohibition Herb

by DGO Pufnstuf

Like buttah.

That’s what I’d say if you asked me about the consistency of the Dabble Butter we’re reviewing for Prohibition Herb this week. This stuff is like buttah – it’s smooth, yellow, and melts so easily. I love it. And I think you’ll love it to, provided that you like concentrates, anyway.

The Dabble Butter that Prohibition recently started carrying is available in a number of different strains. I picked up a gram of Chem 91 Dabble Butter, which is a hybrid strain with mysterious origins. I hadn’t reviewed Chem 91 prior to this butter, but let me tell you, it’s going to become a staple in my rotation.

I’m getting ahead of myself, though. Let’s talk about what makes Dabble’s concentrates unique first. So, Dabble is known for producing concentrates that test 0-ppm for residual solvents. That means there is no trace of butane or other hydrocarbons are left in the hash after extraction. The company also focuses on keeping those sweet ass terpenes in the concentrate during the extraction process, which means they not only produce a really clean product – it’s super flavorful, too.

It’s also really, really pretty. The Chem 91 butter I picked up had the smoothest texture, kind of like yellow lotion or butter that’s been sitting out and is easily spread on toast. I was really impressed with the quality just from the visual inspection, and became even more so once I dipped my dab pen into the little jar. One small dab produced a huge cloud of smoke and left me choking like I’d wandered through a forest fire.

And, unsurprisingly, that one hit had me feeling the effects right off the bat. I was shocked at how quickly the headband high hit me across the forehead. I went from sober to stoned in like 2.54 seconds flat. You ever smoked with someone who gets super chatty and you’re stuck sitting across from them trying not to look like Dopey from Snow White while nodding repeatedly? I felt like the person across from the chatty jerk, only nobody was talking to me. I was just nodding at nothing.

I took a few more and then immediately hit that “holy shit, I’m really stoned” level that I was looking for. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that stoned off of a couple of hits. If I have, it wasn’t any time recently. I was blazed-face to the max, and my notes are proof.

I’m not exaggerating, by the way. My first note says, “Holy shit. I haven’t been stoned off two hits in forever.” It is followed up by this confusing yet somehow on brand statement: “Just convinced myself that my sister reincarnated from some weird criminal.” Now, for the record, my sister has never even been arrested, and she teaches fitness classes in some hippie town in Texas. She is not a reincarnated criminal, unless you count her penchant for stealing my beer. But I was clearly living inside my head to the point that I concocted some weird pseudo-criminal scenario she belonged in. Chem 91 butter was a head trip for sure.

Oddly enough, that head trip was followed by a total body trip. This strain definitely acted like a hybrid. I went from hypothesizing on my sister’s reincarnated origins to a state in which I could not use my hands. They were so uncooperative that I couldn’t even put the lid back on the container. I tried and tried, but the stupid thing kept going on totally lopsided. So now it’s sitting next to my couch while basically half-open.

It continued on like this, vacillating from extreme head high to a very noticeable body high for what felt like hours. At one point it felt like I was trying to hold my forehead up with my face muscles. I could feel my eyebrows working overtime, and I kept catching myself nodding in agreement with the thoughts in my head. I was a wreck.

As you have probably gathered, this Chem 91 butter was a total trip, and after things settled down, I passed out hard and woke up the next morning feeling like a new person. Go figure.

This Dabble Butter is the bees knees. I don’t care what strain you get it in – just make sure you get some. Between the buttery texture and the insta-high, I promise you won’t be sorry (until the neck cramp from nodding in agreement with your own thoughts kicks in, anyway).

DGO Pufnstuf


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