Strain review: Cookies and Cream

by DGO Pufnstuf

Dudes, I really love Girl Scout Cookies, both the strain and the actual cookies. Getting stoned is my favorite time of the day, and Girl Scout cookie time is my favorite time of the year. Thin mints for the win! Anyway, that’s how I knew I would probably like Cookies and Cream, the strain we were reviewing this week from Chronic Therapy.

Cookies and Cream is the love child of Starfighter and some unknown Girl Scout Cookies phenotype, and honestly, this is a hook-up we can cosign on. Those two make one endearing hybrid baby. The strain is known for being sweet, like a combination of cookies, vanilla, and nuts, and its dense little nugs are laced with the prettiest little orange strands. You should not mistake that sweetness for a weakness, though. This strain will kick your ass. There’s a reason why it took the top spot in hybrids at the 2014 Denver Cannabis Cup.

I’d had this strain sitting on a shelf for a couple of weeks, and I don’t know why it took me so long to pop the lid off of it. I should have dug into this one well before I did. Procrastination will always be my kryptonite. As soon as I dragged that little container off the shelf and popped off the lid, I knew I had a new crush. Anything that smells as good as Cookies and Cream does can be my boo. Especially if it gets me as high as this strain did. I’ve already carved our initials into a tree, so you know it’s for life.

As I ground up a few of those little nugs, the smell became even more noticeable, to the point where a friend, who was over at my house to help me with this review (such a hard life), commented on it. Things kept going uphill from there. The strain had a nice, even burn to it, and somehow, it continued to keep those sweet notes, even while on fire. Magic.

It didn’t take long before both of us were noticeably high. How did we know? Well, the room started getting really wobbly, that’s how. It kinda felt like everything was leaning toward us, and at one point, I swear I saw the kitchen counter bow under the pressure of the Kuerig. Yes, I was that high. My mind was playing tricks on me, just like the Geto Boys predicted. No shame.

Even better, though, was that while the room was becoming a fun house, this strain also cured this rancid headache I’d been rocking for what felt like a week straight. All my coworkers have been hacking up a lung or two recently, and I think I might have been coming down with something because of the germ sponges I work with. I just could not shake that headache, but a few hits of Cookies and Cream knocked that throbbing trash right outta my brain. Sweet relief was sweet. Again, I don’t know why I didn’t try this before. My lazy nature will one day do me in.

I’d like to tell you what happened from there, but I can’t really recall. I remember my arms feeling like they’d been encased in cement, and then I remember feeling the urgent need to close my eyes. I just wanted to melt into the floor, or whatever I could find to lay on. Relaxation does not begin to cover it.

This strain is badass, yo. I think it could be useful for anything. Wanna sleep? Smoke a bunch of it. Wanna stay awake and screw around while high? Smoke a little. Wanna get rid of that gnarly headache? Bust this one out. I highly recommend keeping this one in your stash box. Just don’t buy it all, greedy pants, cause I’m going to need to replenish my cache of Cookies and Cream very soon.

DGO Pufnstuf


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