Strain review: Longs Peak Blue from Green House Durango

by DGO Pufnstuf

You know those strains that you don’t expect to kick you in your teeth? The kind that immediately transport you from a productive, semi-useful member of society to a happy but useless blob of slime? Yeah, welcome to my experience with Longs Peak Blue, the strain we’re reviewing for The Green House Durango this week.

I picked up this strain early last week and was surprised at how quiet the dispensary was. It had been a madhouse the week before, but it looks like you guys stocked up on not only toilet paper and rice, but also on weed. (Side note: I JUST NEED SOME SUSHI RICE; CURSE WHOEVER BOUGHT IT IN BULK. I’ll trade you some weed from 6 feet away. Hit me up.) Anyway, this strain was recommended with the comment that it had been a hit with a lot of budtenders. That’s how you know it’s good.

You also know it’s good because I’m telling you, and I know it’s good because I smoked it. Before we get to that, though, let’s discuss what Longs Peak Blue is, other than a very long name.

So, Longs Peak Blue is an indica hybrid that is a cross of Old Blue and Rare Dankness #1. It’s known for its compact, blueberry-scented nugs, which some people compare to blueberry pancakes. I did not smell blueberry pancakes, but I did think this strain was super pleasant.

So pleasant, in fact, that I smoked a couple of bowls back to back while hanging out, alone, on my patio. I guess I was really digging the pleasant taste and the fact that it didn’t make me choke, so I may have overdone it.

How do I know this, you ask? Oh, well the cloudy, unsteady eyes and the mush-brain were my first hint that I was too high to function. From there, it was the inability to focus on anything but yet still somehow find EVERYTHING fascinating. There were these tiny, fuzzy seed pods scattered around the seating in my backyard, and I kept picking them up, pulling them apart, and then feeling accomplished that I was helping to set them free to fulfill their ultimate destination: turning into plants.

I then found myself wondering if bugs used these tiny, fluffy pillows for things like tiny ant pillows, which — thinking about it now — makes no sense. The fluffy seeds are like three times the size of an ant. They’d have to be fluffy seed beds, not pillows. Or pools. Who knows.

Anyway, once I’d finished setting the seeds free, I just sat there, hanging out in the chilly evening air and watching the clouds. At one point I looked up and saw them moving through the atmosphere and thought the moon was hauling ass across the sky instead. Stoned optical illusions are the best.

And, once I was done watching the moon/clouds play tricks on me, I dragged my uncoordinated ass inside to fill up on snacks. So many snacks. If I run out of food before the end of this quarantine, it’s completely due to Longs Peak Blue. It caused me to eat everything, including the huge cache of Cadbury Eggs I ordered from Instacart the other day (along with two avocados so I didn’t look like a complete stoner idiot to the delivery person). The amount of food I shoveled into my mouth was shameful, you guys. SHAMEFUL. Especially in the midst of this pandemic.

As expected, I passed out at some point after eating everything in sight, but I really don’t remember doing it. I woke up the next morning feeling completely refreshed and ready to go nowhere, as is the status quo right now. Had I somewhere to go, though, I would have been well-rested and on top of my freaking game.

If you have enough extra snacks to spare and want to pass the time by shoveling candy into your gullet and watching the sky, I would pick up some Longs Peak Blue. This stuff is rad and it’s certainly better than sitting at home watching Netflix. The clouds were a way cooler show.

DGO Pufnstuf


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