Supersuckers are headed to Durango – and then Mars

by Amanda Push

If you had to reduce the Supersuckers to an acronym, it would be FU, according to Eddie Spaghetti, the band’s founder. Simple and to the point.

Much more to the point, Spaghetti and the rest of the rock/punk/country band – with ‘Metal’ Marty Chandler on guitar and vocals and ‘Captain’ Chris Von Streicher on drums – will perform Jan. 11 at the Animas City Theatre as part of their 30th Anniversary Tour. The Hangmen, a rock ‘n’ roll band from Los Angeles, will play as their opener for the evening.

If you’re planning to attend the show, Spaghetti warns you to be prepared for a night of “a knockdown, drag-out, rock n’ roll party in the streets.”

Their Durango performance comes just a few months after the Seattle-based band’s latest album release, “Suck It,” featuring nine original songs and a cover of ZZ Top’s “Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers.” Their irreverent melodies, along with Spaghetti’s raspy and expertly crafted lyrics, call to mind other classic rockers, like Rolling Stones and Motörhead.

It’s a mix of “all the usual influences – greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, etc. Basically, the seven deadly sins all get a mention. I guess we’re just badass to the core. That’s how we do it,” said Spaghetti, who is on vocals and bass.

He ain’t wrong. “Suck It” boasts song titles like “(I’m Gonna Choke Myself and Masturbate) ‘Til I Die,” “What’s Up (With This Motherfucking Thing?),” and “Breaking My Balls.” There’s a lot of sin to work with there.

As with their previous albums, the Supersuckers maintain their usual wry senses of humor on “Suck It” with lines like, “Everything happens for a reason. Such a stupid thing to say,” and, “Nobody gives a shit, at least not like they should, about knowing the difference between what sucks and what’s good.” They wouldn’t be the Supersuckers without it, and frankly, Spaghetti isn’t interested in switching up the band’s usual tongue-in-cheek tactics in favor of critical acclaim.

“Who doesn’t like to laugh? But being funny takes you out of consideration for any sort of ‘serious’ critical praise,” Spaghetti said. “Let’s face it, the comedy is never gonna win the Academy Award, but it’s the movie you’re gonna watch over and over again. I’d rather be that.”

As for what’s next for the Supersuckers after their 30th Anniversary Tour?

“We’re heading to Mars,” said Spaghetti. “We hear there’s a dirty shithole that needs rocking out there. It’s one place we’ve never been.”


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