Tips on using social media as an activist

by DGO Web Administrator

How to best utilize the online world, from Dr. Anthony Nocella, assistant professor of sociology and criminology at Fort Lewis College, and local community activist Karen Pontius:

Don’t be naive about your impactSure, sign that online petition, but, as Pontius said, “the easier it is to do the probably less effective it is.”

Utilize the megaphoneSocial media can be a great tool to reach and communicate with a large group of people in a short amount of time, which only amplifies the gains.

Avoid preaching to the choirReach outside of of circles of people who already agree with you.

“If you are trying to create positive social change, reach out to people in your region no matter who they are,” Nocella said. “Shoot them a message that says, ‘Hey, nice to connect with you.’”

Look for commonality“Maybe they ride mountain bikes and you ride mountain bikes and you have a connecting point, or you both hike,” Nocella said. “Find a connection that has nothing to do with politics and social change.”


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