For servers, different shifts mean different duties, crowds

by DGO Web Administrator

The world never stops, which means people never stop working. It’s round-the-clock service but everyone has to wind down sometime, right? Of course! If you are a living, breathing human being with a social life, a job and the occasional problem, you know how important it is to dedicate some time to allow yourself to unwind and de-stress. How do you do that you may ask? Well, go for a run, get a massage, read a book, listen to music or go out to your favorite restaurant or bar and have some drinks and appetizers!

Now, lets get back to talking about how the world never stops working. Laborers can be broken down into three different categories. I like to think of it as the first-, second- and third-shift employees. Anyone working a day job would be considered part of the “first shift.” The day begins early and ends just in time for happy hour! Thank goodness, another day down. For many 9 to 5’ers the wind-down activity of choice is going out for appetizers and drinks after a long day at the office. It makes sense, after a day (eight grueling hours) of providing top-notch customer service, its nice to have someone take care of you and cater to your needs for a change.

This is when the industry workers, or people working the “second shift” come into play. We provide the service to help you unwind from your day, no matter how average, hectic, enjoyable or horrible it may have been. The shift begins with happy hour. Around 5 p.m. a flock of white-collar workers strut in with their newfound freedom, itching for a drink and an appetizer or two. After having a few sips of a beverage of choice and voicing stories and frustrations from the day to friends, family and coworkers, a recognizable happiness is in the air. The restaurant is filled with a quiet roar of upbeat chatter. Around 7 o’clock dinner service is in full force. Any stresses from the workday have been long forgotten and time and money are being well spent. Cheers to putting in another day.

Ah, at last. The clock rolls around to closing time, which means around 10 p.m. for most restaurant workers. After dishes have been washed, tables have been re-set, and tips have been collected it is FINALLY time for the much-anticipated wind-down. How do we do it? The bars.

Allow me to introduce the “third shift” workers. This includes bartenders, servers, bar-backs or really anyone working until the early a.m. The long shift is filled with energetic music, quirky dance moves, endless shots and as always a handful of uncontrollable people still working on winding down. It takes a very patient person to deal with the chaos from not only the restaurant workers but also any stragglers from the 9 to 5 group. Thank your bartenders. They could be sleeping, but here they are, serving you at 2 a.m. So, how does a bartender wind down? Unfortunately they are on their own. The cycle has to end at some point in time. I imagine the unwind goes something like: Shower, Netflix, beer(s) and bed.

It’s important to remember that we all serve each other in shifts, whatever your job may be. No matter how you choose to wind down, having fun is important. It just so happens that a lot of people also link alcoholic beverages, snacks, live music and dancing along with fun. So come out to your favorite local hangout and allow the industry workers to help you decompress and refuel for the next day!

This will be my last column in DGO, life has got me busy doing massage! Shout out to all you readers. I’ll catch ya at happy hour where I’ll be winding down too!


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