Orange Creamsicle is a mellow throwback strain with quite a few tricks up its sleeve

by DGO Pufnstuf

They called her mellow yellow… or mellow orange…or I guess mellow creamsicle…

Whatever, you get the gist. And now you probably have that old song stuck in your head, too. I suppose I’m just full of surprises today.

If you’re wondering why I’m humming that old song while writing this, there’s one good reason for it. This issue, we’re reviewing the Orange Creamsicle strain from The Green House in Durango, and (spoiler alert) what I learned quite quickly is that this strain is a slow ride to Mellow Town. Here’s what I mean by that.

So, Orange Creamsicle, if you aren’t familiar, is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain. It was created by crossing the Orange Crush strain with the Juicy Fruit strain, and what grew from it (pun freakin’ intended!) was a bright, citrus-scented strain that’s covered in orange hairs. How apropos, given the name.

Before I go any further, though, I want to make it clear that the description above truly does not do this strain justice. Orange Creamsicle, or at least the
Orange Creamsicle I picked up from The Green House in Durango, is a true beauty. She’s a yellow-tinged strain that pops in color thanks to the thick orange hairs — and she may be one of the best-smelling strains I’ve ever encountered. She reminds me of bright, sunny summer days and those old orange creamsicle popsicles that our freezer used to be stocked with. In other words, she’s pretty perfect. So don’t let my words make her sound boring. She ain’t.

Anyway, let’s move on. So, as I may have mentioned, this strain is a knockout beauty, which made her all the more intriguing to me. I couldn’t wait to load a bowl to try it out, so I headed straight home from the dispensary to do that.

And, once I pulled a couple of the pretty little buds out of the container, I realized that Orange Creamsicle isn’t just beautiful. She’s also a sticky-icky little strain thanks to the thick layering of trichomes on her buds. I’m not kidding when I say that the yellow-orange buds from this strain stuck to my fingers as I attempted to rip them apart and load them into my grinder. Dare I say that even sticky-icky fanatic Snoop Dogg would be impressed? I do.

And, perhaps even more surprisingly, the orange scent that came through prior to lighting this strain up was still present once she was a’burnin’. I was most impressed. I’ve reviewed plenty of other strains that smelled amazing in the container but then lost all of the deliciousness when I lit them up. Not this one, though. Oh no. Not this one. She was like smoking a slightly ashy orange popsicle. (It tasted better than it sounds. Trust me.)

But while the orange flavors were very in-your-face, what wasn’t so in-myface were the effects of this strain. Not at first, anyway. I smoked a bowl, felt a slight twinge of stoned-ness (is that even a word?), and then waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

I really didn’t feel much after cashing the entire bowl alone, so I did what any good pot reviewer would do and lit another bowl.

Well, that may have been jumping the Gun.

Shortly after lighting that second bowl, the effects from the first one came on full-force. Turns out that Orange Creamsicle is a creeper of epic proportions.

And, as I smoked my way through the bowl, it became very apparent that this strain is more potent than I gave it credit for. I was definitely very stoned mid way through the second bowl.

Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you. The effects of this strain, while more sativa-ish than anything, are still super mellow. I was energized and awake, but I was not wired like other sativas can make me. I was really just alert and stoned. I wanted to freaking DO THINGS.

So I did. I calmly walked my stoner ass inside and did things, like loading the sink full of dishes that I’d been avoiding for longer than I would like to admit.
And, I knocked out a few loads of laundry so I finally have some clean jeans in my closet that aren’t from the mid-1990s. Look at me, living my damn life like an adult.

And, I did it all while not paranoid or anxious in the slightest. That’s a HUGE win for me, given that sativas typically make me a paranoid android, but this one
somehow helped to melt away the tension, mellow me out, and wake me up just enough to want to be productive. An ADD-afflicted writer’s best friend, I guess.

Even more surprising was the fact that this high lasted a long, long time. I was awake-but-mellow for what felt like hours — long after I’d satisfied the unusual urge to clean things in my house. In fact, at one point, the drive to be productive went away and I was able to sprawl my ass across the couch to binge
Halloween specials while still stoned. Not a bad way to function, eh?

This strain really is a great choice for daytime use for just about anyone. Between the mellow but functioning effects of the high, the amazing scent of the strain, and the nostalgic taste, Orange Creamsicle is bound to be a staple on my shelf, and you may want to add it to your collection, too.

After all, if it got me motivated enough to load dishes and do laundry, you know it’s a magical one.


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