All I need in life: Banana Hood and a pan of brownies

by DGO Pufnstuf

Am I the only person out there who immediately calls bullshit on weed strains that are supposed to smell like fruit? I can usually decipher a slight undertone of berries or whatever with that type of weed – especially if the name (cough, Shishkaberry, cough) plants the seed in my brain – but RARELY do I pop the cap open to a container of weed and think, “Gotdang, this smells like snozberries.” This Banana Hood strain, though – a new hybrid from Prohibition Herb, which we’re reviewing this week – was one of the rare times that happens.

You want banana? You got banana. All you have to do is open the lid and sniff, and there won’t be any question about the origins of this strain: Banana Kush. Well, sort of. This strain has created by crossing Banana Kush with Icarus, an indica-leaning hybrid known for a mellow high, which is where that heavy banana smell comes from.

I really like the way this strain smells. Banana-scented weed is like the scratch-and-sniff of cannabis. It’s a surprising jolt to the nose when you lean in, but it’s pleasant. Kinda like a banana Runts candy.

The high from this strain is pleasant, too. It came on really quickly – I didn’t feel like there was any lag time between inhaling and floating up to my ceiling – and it wasn’t the overwhelming sleepy feeling I expect from indicas. I immediately felt high up to my eyebrows and had a total body high, with every limb feeling that tingling, alive feeling one gets from a good old-fashioned body high.

And that high stayed totally in my body. My eyes were as thirsty as a D-list celebrity, but my notes say, “Good body high, but my head, as in my thoughts (I like to be very clear with my future self), are clear. Just high in mah body.” I don’t know the last time, if ever, that my high was completely limited to my body. Sure, there are times when I only end up with a head high, but rarely do I get a full-on body high without feeling stoned out of my gourd in my brain, too. Full disclosure: I did have one weird moment where I had major déjà vu while thinking about a scavenger hunt that I’m like, 85 percent sure I just made up in my head, but other than that, my mind was crystal clear.

Oh, and I was starving. Living above a pizza place is a gift and a goddamn curse, because when the munchies kick in, I can order some carbs, wander downstairs to pick it up, and then shovel copious amounts of said carbs in my mouth during the ascent up the stairs to my apartment. Long story short, this is the route I went after I smoked Banana Hood, and I ended up eating an entire pan of brownies. Just livin’ my best life over here.

I don’t think I could feasibly make this my go-to strain ONLY because of my penchant for eating pans of brownies, but it will be one I keep on rotation. I’ll just have to light it up after the pizza place closes, or my neighbors are going to find me, surrounded by brownie crumbs, and passed out on the stairs. And nobody needs that. Trust.

DGO Pufnstuf


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