Apparently this is a thing: Hair tinsel

by Anya Jaremko-Greenwold

You’ve probably seen girls around town with strands of something sparkly in their hair. It’s barely noticeable at first; until their heads catch the light, and then it’s like looking at the colorful mane of a My Little Pony figurine. Well, get used to it. More and more women want a little (well-deserved) pizazz in their lives, and Durangoan Ashley Garcia has a growing demand for “hair bling” insertion. She’s put tinsel in the hair of most of her friends (“little tinsel fairies walking around,” as she calls them) – but Garcia is always looking for new customers. Celebs like Beyoncé and Ke$ha have also been spotted sporting the trend.

Garcia learned to do hair tinsel four years ago from a friend; now she can put in one strand of bling in less than a minute. If you want 20, it will take her between 10 and 20 minutes – quicker than any hair salon appointment. “They last anywhere from one day to one year, is the disclaimer I give,” said Garcia. “I isolate a single strand of hair, then tie the hair and tinsel into an overhand knot together; I have a tool I use that makes it quick and efficient. As long as that hair stays in your head, you’ll have the hair tinsel.” Even if you brush or wash your locks, it shouldn’t snag or get ripped out.

The tinsel is least noticeable in multicolored tresses, especially lighter ones like red or blonde. But Garcia thinks the colors can be pretty subtle, even in dark hair; “for darker hair, I use brown mocha tones, gold, copper-orange – they all blend in really well,” she said. “Also, blue looks so good in dark hair; that can be more bold, but if you’re in a darker room you wouldn’t even notice it.” Surprisingly, Garcia has put tinsel in the hair of several men, too. Even some beards.

So why are women loving this? “I’m a personal believer that we’re all descendants of the stars,” said Garcia. “We’re essentially stardust on an atomic level, and I think all of us know how special we are. Sometimes you’ll have the opportunity to display your brilliance just by adding a little extra sparkle or flair. It’s enough for anyone to walk around and feel on top of the world. People will take the time out of their day to say ‘Hey, that looks great on you.’” If you’re interested in some shine, contact Garcia at [email protected].

Anya Jaremko-GreenwoldDGO Staff Writer


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