Death of a UFO research legend: All hail Stanton Friedman

by Amanda Push

The world lost one of its greats this week.

Renowned UFO investigator Stanton Friedman died Monday at the ripe old age of 84 at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, according to Newsweek.

If you’ve never heard of Friedman until now, you best be hitting up the Google and looking him up. While you’re at it, do some basic UFO research, too. His name pops up just about everywhere and for good reason.

Friedman started off as a nuclear physicist before turning over a new leaf and working as a ufologist. The researcher gave more than 700 lectures on UFOs across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. He was best known for his work on the infamous 1947 Roswell Incident case and claimed to be one of the first civilian investigators. His work helped to launch the now internationally famed alleged crash that happened in the New Mexico desert in which the military may or may not have recovered the bodies of extraterrestrials.

According to Newsweek, the editor of UFO Truth Magazine, Gary Heseltine, said Friedman was the “greatest ufologist of all time.”

“He never wavered in his belief that SOME UFOs were ET in origin. I mourn the passing of a truly legendary man,” Heseltine told MailOnline. “He was a man who championed all his life that ET visitations to planet Earth were real despite the fact that he had never had a personal sighting.”

As we contemplate this great loss to the UFO community, let us meditate on these four conclusions Friedman presented at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in 2013.

“The evidence is overwhelming that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. In other words, SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. Most are not and I don’t care about them.”

“There is no doubt that a small number of people in governments both in the United States and overseas have been actively covering up the truth about these visits. There really is a ‘Cosmic Watergate.’”

“There are no good arguments against these conclusions, only people who haven’t studied the relevant evidence.”

“Flying saucer visitations and the Cosmic Watergate represent the biggest story of the millennium.”

Amanda Push


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