DGO’s picks in and around Durango

by DGO Web Administrator

Vegan anarchist potluckSit down for an informal meet-up with your lovely local anarchist collective. Bring a vegan dish, or share in the vegan food already there.

Details: Free, 18 and over, 5:30-7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 1, Fort Lewis College, Reed Library, Rooom 16, 1000 Rim Dr., www.facebook.com/DurangoAnarchists

Blues and rock at El RanchoThe Pete Giuliani Band brings the noise to the backstage at El Rancho. Play you some pool and get down to eclectic cover tunes and original infectious grooves.

Details: Free, 21 and over, 6-10 p.m., Friday, Dec. 1, El Rancho Tavern, 975 Main Ave., www.facebook.com/elranchotavern

Hip-hop multi-bill at the ACTAnimas City Theatre kicks off the winter party season with a hip-hop show featuring music by Nikolai, Sub Horizon, Rize the Rebel, Astrologic, and Brain Spiders.

Details: $10 advance, $12 door, 18 and over, 8:30 doors, 9 p.m. show, Saturday, Dec. 2, Animas City Theatre, 128 East College Dr., www.animascitytheatre.com

Experimental rock at BalconyMalai Llama is a passionate party band working to awakening themselves and the world through prog-jazz-rock fusion. Prepare to party at the Balcony.

Details: Free, 21 and over, 9 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 2, Balcony Bar Backstage, 600 Main Ave., www.balconybarandgrill.com

Open mic raditude at Moe’sGot a song in your soul you gotta share with Durango? How about a poem? Maybe some comedy? Hit up Moe’s open mic, hosted by Rayne Grant. Every performer gets bought a drink.

Details: Free to enter, 21 and over, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5, Moe’s, 937 Main Ave., www.facebook.com/moesdurangoOM


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