Durango street style: nouveau western wear

by Patty Templeton

Annie Brooks is the outrageously creative co-founder of The Wells Makery, a Durango-based illustration company. Her fashion sense matches her business in that they are both layered, lyrical, and absolutely delightful. She’s a Pinterest-perfect person who is gloriously nice and intensely talented. We want all of her clothes and to soak up her drawing skills through osmosis.

DGO was drawn to Brooks’ elaborate nouveau Western wear and chatted up fashion with her.

“I feel like I have really good luck in thrift stores finding old Western shirts. It’s been a year and a half of that so I’m just gonna go with it. I go with silk, if possible. Pink is the best, but I’ll take what I can get. I go to the Methodist and Humane Society, and obviously Colorado vintage is amazing. Can’t go wrong.

When I was 13 I took a trip to Japan. I still remember all the street scenes so vividly because I grew up in a teeny tiny little apple orchard community and fashion was not at the forefront of anyone’s thinking. Japan rocked my world and I was so excited by what I saw and I made fashion illustrations and dreamed about what I wanted to buy or make someday.

I feel like your first impression is important. What you’re wearing is like your first sentence to a person. I’m an illustrator and want people to take my work seriously so I want people to think this person is fun, loves art, and is playful.

Any excuse to play, I’ll take it.”

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.Patty TempletonDGO Staff Writer


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