Get to know vaporizing

by Meggie J

Using a device called a vaporizer, ground marijuana flower (buds) can be consumed without inhaling harmful carcinogens. The marijuana is heated to just below the point of combustion, putting out a puff of vapor to inhale.

TypesDesktopThese models plug into the wall and have a bowl where you place the ground cannabis buds. Some have a whip that attaches to the bowl, which is basically a lid that fits the bowl with a tube and a mouth piece to draw from.

Favorite: The Volcano, which does not have a whip, but a bag attached to the top of the bowl via a plastic clamp and fills as it’s heated.

PortableThese have rechargeable batteries and small ovens that can be filled . They usually need recharging after about four hours of use. Most come with their own charger.

Favorite: PAX by Ploom. It is small, holds a charge a long time, but has a large enough oven to pass around several times. It also has a ten year warranty!

ProsBecause you are not burning anything you get an amazingly flavorful hit even several hits into the bowl.

A healthier alternative to smoking.

The timing of the onset is similar to smoking, but the buzz is a bit different.

Gives a clean fresh high, longer lasting than smoking without the toxic feeling of smoke.

ConsPrice. Volcanoes can be in the neighborhood of $400, and an original PAX will run you $199.

While there are lots of cheaper models on the market, buyer beware. Some vaporizers do not heat the pot enough, nor have a good delivery system for the vaporized pot, leaving you feeling like you didn’t get a hit, or worse, like you wasted your weed and you’re still not high.

While the Volcano is my favorite desktop, it’s weird to walk around with a turkey bag full of smoke.

TipsAlready vaped buds (AVBs) still retain a bit of THC and CBDs and can be used in baking, so you can get high twice.

It’s best to grind your weed finely so the heat distributes evenly through the weed and gives a better hit and longer-lasting bowl.

Clean your device often to ensure proper use and excellent taste.

Meggie J


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