I began dabbling in beekeeping in 2010. Over the years, I came to understand what Thoreau meant when he said, “The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.” I’ve learned what not to do – the less interference, the better. My only real contribution is that of negotiator with hungry bears; everything else they handle just fine, if not better, on their own. In the face of countless setbacks, they’ve proved amazingly resilient, and I’ve evolved from prospective honey farmer to captivated observer and student.
“Song of Increase: Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World,” by Jacqueline Freeman, is a must-read for anyone interested in these extremely complex, often misunderstood, creatures. Freeman shares the extensive knowledge she’s acquired through her “bee-centric,” sustainable approach to beekeeping, and relays most information from the perspective of the bees themselves. She speaks often of the “unity consciousness” influencing every action within bee society, as well as dealings with the world at large. If honeybees intrigue you in the slightest, pick up a copy of “The Song of Increase.” It’s a glimpse into another world that will leave you fascinated and buzzing for more.
Keena KimmelOwner of White Rabbit Books and Curiosities