In a world preoccupied by the almighty dollar, Daniel Suelo sought more.“The Man Who Quit Money,” by Mark Sundeen, is a thought-provoking account of one man’s journey toward radical simplicity – from fundamentalist student to cave-dwelling sadhu. In the fall of 2000, Suelo gave away the 30 bucks in his pocket, hasn’t spent a dime since, yet wants for nothing. He enthusiastically shares what he’s learned about moneyless abundance.
In the early ’90s, Sundeen and Suelo briefly worked together in Moab, Utah. More than a decade after learning of Suelo’s moneyless lifestyle, Sundeen was struck by the different paths they’d chosen. They reconnected by gleaning enough free food together to last for several days in Suleo’s cave (a two hour walk from town) and with Sundeen’s curiosity piqued, the book took shape.
Far from being a hermit, Suelo has long been an influential character in the Moab scene. Accessing the internet via the public library, he eloquently expresses his opinions about capitalism and religion through his blog and other social networking platforms. His story is as complex as it is compelling, a simple yet complicated path of spiritual reflection and living through example, one we can all learn from. To check out his blog, visit
Keena KimmelOwner of White Rabbit Book and Curiosities