Strain review: Wana Rose Gold disposable vape

by DGO Pufnstuf

Before we get started with this bonus review, I want to give a little nod to the super friendly budtender at Durango Organics who helped us last time we were in there. She’s the reason you’re getting this extra content – this particular vape was her suggestion – so yeah. Thanks, new buddy!

Anyway, let’s crack it open, shall we? We normally only run two weed reviews an issue, but we had a little extra room this week, and we had an extra product we thought was worth writing on, so you’re getting more than you bargained for. We don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, mind you – can you take a double dose of our weed-induced stupidity? – but it is what it is. You’re getting it either way. Suck it up, buttercup.

So, the extra product we’re reviewing this week is the 1:1 CBD/THC Wana Rose Gold disposable vape. We’ve reviewed Wana’s vapes before (and are definitely fans), but this rose gold version? Well, we’d never heard of it. And, as you know, CBD is all. the. rage., so it made sense to check out this one-to-one version. Plus, it’s “rose gold” flavored, which…what the hell is that? Would it be like chewing on foil? Metal is not our favorite flavor.

Luckily, these vapes taste nothing like metal or we wouldn’t be reviewing them here for you today. They actually taste floral and herbal, which was a nice surprise, given what our brains conjured up after hearing the words “rose gold.” We’re getting ahead of ourselves, though. Let’s go back to what these vapes are.

So, these are disposable vapes – meaning they don’t need to be charged and can’t be refilled with a new cartridge; you just toss ‘em when they’re empty – and they’re incredibly user friendly. To use them, you just pop ’em in your mouth and inhale, and out comes the vapor. They contain 300mg of distillate, and they taste delicious thanks to the organic, botanically derived terpenes and whatever other magic they add to it. These vapes come in a huge assortment of choices and it seems like Wana is always adding new options to the menu.

OK, now back to the actual rose gold vape. We were told by the friendly budtender mentioned above that this particular vape was worth checking out; the rose gold flavor was badass, she said (not in those words, mind you), and who doesn’t like a little CBD with their THC? The two are best weed friends forever. They go hand in hand. Made sense to us.

Now, adding CBD to the mix tends to get us a little higher (read: a lot higher) than just inhaling THC alone, so we tried to take it easy with this vape. Unfortunately, the taste of herbal flowers was so pleasant that it was easy to take hit after hit. No choking, no sputtering. Just one hit after another.

We basically started blowing smoke rings like the caterpillar from “Alice in Wonderland” when lo and behold, we were knocked back with a chill, solid high. Pretty impressive for such a small device. Everything felt tingly and warm, and our brains, which had been throbbing with a work-induced headache, were clear of the thumps of pain. It felt like the anxiety cobwebs in the caverns of our brain were dusted away, and the world felt just fine. We probably could have even been social, had we cared to try.

We didn’t, though. We were content to just chill, occasionally hitting that pretty purple vape to keep the happy fog levels up. It was a nice diversion from real life, and these vapes are a nice diversion from the norm. So, you might want to check these bad boys out. They’re well worth the price tag.

DGO Pufnstuf


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