Vintage Durango: Tiny sound

by Patty Templeton

Ahhh, the 1990s, when folks were impressed by a tiny tape that could record a whopping 90 minutes of “clear digital sound.”

Maybe there’s a secret techno Christ to thank for the constant expansion of technology, or maybe it’s just Moore’s Law.

If we’re picking science gods, I’d be partial to worshiping a statue of Richard Feynman, physicist, lock pick, author, and Tuvan throat singer whose seminal Caltech lecture, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” inspired minds like K. Eric Drexler to form the field of nanotechnology (nanotech being the creational of functional systems on a molecular scale). So, think about nanoparticles that try to sniff out cancer in a body; 1 mm-wide batteries; and contact lenses that hold the same tech as an entire virtual reality headset. Basically, tiny freakin’ tech.

Twenty-five years from now, what will we look back and laugh at? The idea of watching Netflix instead of having it projected into our brains by a molecular implant?

Patty Templeton


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