Vintage news: Women take over Dolores

by Patty Templeton

In 1961, it was written without irony, “It’s a tough admission to concede, particularly in an area the late Scripps-Howard columnist called “America’s Last Frontier,” but the female of the species has taken over in Dolores county.” Eleven women had deigned to hold office, from postmaster to state rep, at the same time.

Women have always been a part of the pioneer experience and America’s westward expansion. It shouldn’t be a surprise, but it was in ’61 that women would want to be a part of politics, too.

Here’s a few of the women in Colorado’s history that should’ve made the reporter second guess their surprise at women in the “Last Frontier” holding “men’s positions.”


Isabella Lucy Helen Marie Clara Frances Gloria Patty TempletonDGO Staff Writer


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