As needed in Durango: 24-hour food

by Anya Jaremko-Greenwold

Durango needs a 24-hour food place. And before you bring it up, I know we have Denny’s, and Denny’s is open all the time. But that’s hardly any consolation. Denny’s is mostly tolerable if you’re so drunk you don’t know what you’re putting into your mouth. The food is not very good, and the atmosphere is not pleasant. Here in Colorado, we boast about liking organic, gluten-free, locally grown, whatever. Ergo, we can do better.

Durango is not necessarily known for its super-thriving nightlife. Most bars close around midnight or 1 a.m., which actually isn’t too bad – we all came here expecting that. However, Durangoans remain in desperate need of somewhere to go after the bars close, to eat and soak up all the booze they drank. Or to satiate the late-night munchies (because marijuana is legal here, after all) somewhere they aren’t embarrassed to be seen (would you tag yourself on Instagram at Denny’s?)

Admittedly, many of the bars downtown do serve food (Steamworks, Irish Embassy, Lady Falconburgh’s). But what about those people who aren’t out drinking – what about introverted types, who better enjoy a quiet night at home? Come 2 a.m. they might be hungry too and don’t feel like cooking. College students who stay up all hours of the night cramming for exams would also benefit; learning all the information you failed to absorb throughout the semester in one night is hungry work. Technically it’s not healthy to eat before bedtime, but it’s also impossible to fall asleep with your stomach growling. You pick the lesser of two evils.

Don’t even get me started on the lack of delivery options here. Yes, it’s better for your body to grudgingly get up off the couch and go walk somewhere to gorge yourself. But it’d be a lot nicer if more places brought the food right to you. Yes, the citizens of Colorado are notoriously healthy (we’ve ranked consistently in the top five or 10 healthiest U.S. states), but sometimes you just don’t wanna leave your house. And that’s OK.

Anya Jaremko-Greenwold


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