Durango street style: Tim Burton influences and epic hair

by Patty Templeton

Stacia Archvleta is an unabashed weirdo who is equal parts bubbly and macabre. She’s an assistant manager at Game Stop and works at Lizzie’s Beauty Shop. If you want innovative hair coloring in Durango, Archvleta is hella tops and should be on your short list. She’s also down to give freelance makeup lessons, which DGO is quite interested in. The woman is an Empress of the Cat Eye.

DGO talked to Archvleta about hair as a conversation starter and the eerie enthusiasms that inform her fashion choices.

“I cut hair so I wear what I don’t mind hair color getting on or what I don’t mind spilling coffee all over myself in. I like to wear all black but have fun with colorful hair and makeup.

(My hair) is usually a really good conversation starter. My little sister told me straight up the other day, ‘I just can’t see you with a normal hair color ever. If you ever had brown hair, I probably wouldn’t recognize you.’ I think my hair is a reflection of how I am on the inside. I’m happy and bubbly and fun and I like to have fun hair. What color do I want to make it today? What color haven’t I dyed it yet? I’m more into asking why not instead of why.

I think Tim Burton has been one of my favorite inspirations since forever. I love ‘Coraline’ hair. I’m always like, ‘Gosh, maybe I’ll do that blue one day.’ Of course music, like David Bowie. I would need an entire afternoon to talk about David Bowie, and sometimes I’ll see colors I like and ask myself, ‘How would that look on someone’s head? How would that work out?’

It’s hard to do your own hair and it gives me a headache if I put it up. I like to make it a fun color and then curl it and leave it down. That’s where the makeup starts. Oh my gosh, I love makeup. Do I want a green eye? Do I want a purple eye? Do I want green and purple? The colors are endless and it’s like painting on your face. Do I want to look normal? Do I want to look like a complete and total weirdo? It can be anything.”

Interview edited and condensed for clarity.

Got rad style or know someone who always looks fab? Send DGO a heads-up on who to interview next at [email protected].Patty Templeton


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