Edible review: Ripple Dissolvables and Ripple QuickSticks

by Leeroy Dankins

Do you frequently hold up random food items and loudly exclaim, “I wish this was an edible”?

If so, it might be worth getting a CAT scan. But it also turns out that you’re not totally crazy; making anything an edible isn’t a very difficult goal to achieve.

We recently tried out Ripple Dissolvables and Ripple QuickSticks. Ripple Dissolvables are single-serve packets of water-soluble, odorless, flavorless THC (and/or CBD) that you can mix into pretty much any food or drink. The QuickSticks are the same basic powder, but they’re flavored so you can pour them straight on your tongue, like cannabis Pixy Stix. Both the Dissolvables and the QuickSticks come in three varieties: Pure (10 mg THC), Balanced (5 mg THC and 5 mg CBD), and Relief (20 mg CDB and 0.5 mg THC).

The QuickSticks are just about the fastest means of consuming cannabinoids that we’ve ever come across, so naturally, we tried them first. The Pure THC is blueberry flavored, and tasted alright — much like Pixy Stix, the act of ingesting is pretty short. With these, however, the brunt of the experience comes later, about 20 to 30 minutes to be exact.

Pure gave us a heady, sativa high that came on pretty heavy before mellowing out and lasting hours and hours. For a minute there, we were useless for anything but staring out the window from our couch, but we felt it for the rest of the night — to the point where we started punctuating our conversations with loud, quick laughs that we became very self-conscious about. We also became voraciously hungry a couple hours in.

On the other end of the spectrum, the mostly-CBD Relief was extremely mellow and the psychoactive effects were almost undetectable, which was great for just de-stressing after a day at the salt mine. With such a microdose of THC, it left us pretty functional. Perhaps the most interesting thing about it, aside from the cannabinoid content, was the flavor; Mint chocolate isn’t one you typicaly find in sugary-powder form. The half-THC, half-CBD, ginger berry-flavored Balanced fell somewhere in between the other two.

Quicksticks out of the way, we moved onto the Dissolvables.

We spoke to Coree Schmitz, the general manager who oversees Ripple, and she told us that we could do pretty much anything with it when it comes to infusing food (or drinks) with the cannabinoids. The temperatures you’d have to reach to ruin the dissolvables would also ruin your food. So we put that to the test. We cooked it into taco meat, baked it into cookies, and froze it into popsicles.

The three varieties of the food additive had the same effects as the straight-to-the-tongue form. The highs were the same, appeared after the same amount of time, and lasted as long. Noticeably so. The effects of Ripple’s products were remarkably consistent throughout our trials. (Except, maybe, for when it comes to munchies — they don’t come on quite as strong when the thing that got you high in the first place is a plate of tacos.)

The Dissolvables were also quite undetectable. We made a batch of cookies with and without the THC, and as soon as you mix the powder into the dough, it’s gone … at least to the senses. The two batches were identical in appearance, scent and taste. If you enjoy edibles for the smell or taste of the cannabis, these probably aren’t for you.

It’s also worth noting that the THC cookies were pretty homogenous in terms of their cannabinoid content. As much as we like cannabutter, the fact that these are single-serve packets means you can easily control exactly what goes into, say, each muffin that you bake.

The dissolvables will certainly stay on our radar, especially if and when we plan any home-cooked edible parties. And while they’re not necessarily as satisfying as smoking, vaping, or eating a larger edible product — as there is almost no ritual involved, we very much appreciate how convenient the QuickSticks are, especially when you’re on the go.

Leeroy Dankins


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