From the files of not normal: Shamelessness as strategy

by Patty Templeton

News you should knowPresident Trump agreed to speak to Time magazine for a cover story that asks, “Is truth dead?” The president did a 20-minute phone interview focused on his inability to tell the truth.

Why this is not normalAmericans know that politicians don’t tell the full truth and that campaign trails are full of empty promises. Heck, over 150 years ago, Mark Twain – an infamously cranky man toward politicians – said, “An honest politician is an oxymoron.”

Yet, it has never been wondered if a sitting president was a sociopath, i.e. a person who lacks a moral sense of responsibility or social conscience who often lies to get their way with no regard of how those lies affect others.

If you redacted everything that was not verifiable truth in Trump’s Time interview, less than half of the transcript can be read.

After lying about Sweden, NATO, Bernie Sanders, voting fraud, wiretapping, and more, Trump closed the interview not with an apology to the American people and a promise to do better, but the taunt of what he says goes because, “I’m the president, and you’re not.”

— Patty TempletonDGO Staff Writer


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