Who says kink and comedy can’t go together? No one! At least, not Denver’s Dangerous Theatre, anyway.
That’s why, you comedy fiends and kinksters, FÜKD Up Comedy & Kink is taking the stage September 6 at this Denver theater. You might be wondering, “what’s the goal here with combining these two (seemingly) very different realms? Turns out, these two, er, interests actually go very well together. The organizer’s goal is “changing the perception and stigma of kinky people and other sexual minorities,” according to Westword.
“There are so many misconceptions that exist about BDSM and it’s practitioners,” Chris Wellman, the organizer and host of the event, told Westword. “I want my show to be a positive — albeit silly — example of what kink actually looks like. It’s still so new in the public eye, and there are so few positive media examples of the lifestyle. I didn’t have a single positive example of kink to look up to — beyond Gomez and Morticia Addams — and I’m trying to change that for other people by becoming that positive example myself.”
Any time someone steps up to encourage sex positivity and belly laughing has our stamp of approval. Road trip anyone? It’s BOUND to be fun! OK…we’ll see ourselves out.
Amanda Push