Yes, you read that headline right — there’s pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin spice muffins, and now there are pumpkin spice vapes. I can read your hesitation (maybe even your repulsion) from here. Have we gone too far? Or not far enough.
I know, I know. When I first heard that there were now pumpkin spice vape cartridges on the market, I did a bit of an internal sight, too. But, dear readers, I implore you to give the Revel pumpkin spice vape cartridge (hybrid) a chance. Even my good friend, one of the most anti-pumpkin spice beings on this planet, had to set aside their prejudice once they tasted the juices of this vape.
To start, it tastes delicious, which I did not expect. Even if you’re not a fan of pumpkin-spice anything, you may enjoy this cartridge: Vanilla, nutmeg, and a dash of cinnamon — vanilla being the strongest flavor of the three with the nutmeg and cinnamon balancing it out quite nicely. The Revel pumpkin spice cartridge is essentially the dessert vape you never knew you needed. This cartridge comes with 510 threading
— one of the most common
— so it should go with just about any store-bought vape.
Aside from the flavor, I really appreciated two other things about this vape cartridge.
The Revel pumpkin spice vape cartridge is a one-hit-wonder, but not the bad kind where its music career never takes off. What I mean is, one toke of this gal and a few coughs later, and you’ll be off to outer space. I appreciate a good vape that gets the job done quickly and doesn’t waste much time getting to the point.
The other thing I appreciate about this vape cartridge is its migraine-fighting capabilities. I, unfortunately, am the victim of the motherload of all migraines when the weather starts to change. My brain does not appreciate it. In fact, my brain likes to make it feel like someone is slowly driving nails through my skull like I’m a Cenobite in training (think Pinhead from Hellraiser if you need an image in your head). Sometimes, like in this instance, nothing helps except for cannabis, and the Revel pumpkin spice vape cartridge was no exception.
It didn’t completely take away the migraine (only the power of Zuul is capable of doing that) but it did make a major dent in my head pain with the added bonus of getting me pretty stoned which, after a day of suffering, was what I really needed. This vape cartridge was also instrumental in taking away the nausea I felt from my migraine. If you’ve ever had a migraine, then you know the urge to barf up your stomach contents is just the cherry on top of this special little hellscape.
Not only did it help with my severe head pain and nausea, but it also gave me back my appetite. Due to the all-consuming pain I was in (on top of the nausea), food sounded about as savory as stepping on hot coals. I hadn’t eaten all day, which made me feel even worse. After smoking this vape for a bit, I found myself craving every snack I kept in my fridge and cupboards. The beloved munchies had not failed me, and, for once, it was going to do me some good instead of giving me a sugar hangover. I somehow managed to eat my weight in carbs — bread and an entire plate of spaghetti and meatballs, all thanks to my good friend, weed.
Once I was able to eat, my migraine slowly subsided even more until I was able to finally fall asleep, waking up the next morning with all traces of my migraine gone.
What I guess I’m here to say is, don’t judge a book by its cover, and don’t judge a vape by its flavor, even if it’s pumpkin spice. Maybe even especially if it’s pumpkin spice. Your taste buds, and maybe even your migraines, may thank you.