Letter: Move the Arc!

by Zuzu Karmacat

Dear DGO,

Read your comments on the Arc. My opinion about the Arc isn’t important, but I thought I would share my opinion about its location in hope that the Ballantine empire might be able to encourage its relocation.

We drive through the 550/160 intersection several times a week. We have to concentrate on the road and the traffic, and are barely able to give a nod to the Arc. Nevertheless, it seems “lost” and out of place amid the traffic signal poles. The same would apply were it a cowboy, a miner or virtually anything else in that location. More, it is unapproachable without risk to life and limb, and can hardly evoke more than “What’s that?” on passing.

It needs a new location and it needs a plaque to explain the artist’s intent (however else the rest of us may have viewed it). If you agree, maybe you could generate some interest with the folks who make these decisions.

The economic impact of the Arc is another matter. We were unhappy that it was created so far afield, when we have been repeatedly encouraged to “buy local.”

Zuzu KarmacatDurango

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