Mixing sushi rolls and Mexican food at Clancy’s Pub an Irish Cantina: A bad decision

by DGO Web Administrator

Ever been to a restaurant that acts as an Irish pub, a Mexican cantina, AND a sushi bar? Well, we’re not exactly happy that we have, but we can say we were amused while visiting.

We came across Clancy’s Pub an Irish Cantina whilst looking for our next lunch spot. We needed to go to Farmington to run errands anyway, so we scanned our northern New Mexico food options until we came across Clancy’s.

At first, we thought it was a joke. After all, what kind of restaurant would serve sushi AND Mexican food AND Irish food? But, we confirmed it was not a joke and became dead set on giving it a try, while dragging along fellow victims.

The rest of our much pickier caravan was not psyched to be dining at an Irish/Mexican/sushi restaurant, and it took some coaxing for them to give it a chance. Where else would they have the opportunity to order fish and chips AND a California roll? Or perhaps chicken fajitas and a burger salad? If you are hungry and curious enough, the options are endless at Clancy’s.

When we walk through the doors, it was like we’d entered a different universe – a universe where an amalgam of cultures and themes collided. There was a sushi bar right at the entrance with two sushi chefs working behind it. All over there were Christmas trees and lights, and even an upside-down Christmas tree. There were Native American and Japanese posters galore, and above us was a large wooden sign announcing “Clancy’s Pub.” Just behind it, the entry way to the bar, where day drinkers were lounging on the warm Saturday afternoon.

We ordered the edamame and chips and salsa to start. The edamame arrived, confusingly, without the option of soy sauce, but we were starved, and it wasn’t long before both appetizers had disappeared off the table.

Most of our table was set on the Mexican food side of the menu for main dishes. We ordered chicken flautas, ground beef enchiladas, and burrito plate. Just to spice things up, we also ordered mac and cheese bites, the tuna avocado roll, and a five-piece avocado roll wrapped in nori and rice. It was quite the diverse table spread.

I was, in hindsight, mistaken in my amusement of mixing these entrées from opposing sides the cultural food spectrum. I started in on the enchiladas first, which sat alongside the dry beans and goopy rice situated on the other half of my plate. The sushi rolls were fine at first, but I made the fatal error of going back and forth between my Mexican plate and sushi, and the soy sauce I used to dip my sushi rolls in steamrolled every other flavor. I found myself getting increasingly nauseous. Everyone else at the table also seemed to be riding the same struggle bus.

Stomachs churning as we drove back home, we unanimously decided that, no, sushi and Mexican in fact do not mix.


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