NYT, Navy pilots report UFO sightings that are most definitely, certainly not aliens

by Amanda Push

Even though they won’t say the A-word (ALIENS), members of the Navy publicly came forward via The New York Times about seeing some awfully weird shit in the sky.

Unfortunately, the article came out over Memorial Day weekend and most of the nation was too busy barbecuing to give it too much notice. BUT NOT US.

NYT reporters interviewed five Navy pilots who all reported seeing some bizarre objects that moved at hyper speed while they were on duty. In one incident, Lt. Ryan Graves described flying objects that looked like “a spinning top moving against the wind,” flying about on a nearly daily basis from the summer of 2014 until March 2015. The unidentified flying object did not appear to have an engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but, bafflingly, “could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.”

“These things would be out there all day,” Graves, a Navy veteran of 10 years, told NYT. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”

During a particularly harrowing incident, one of Graves’ fellow pilots nearly hit one of the flying objects. As the pilot and his wingman were flying about 100 feet apart, something that looked “like a sphere encasing a cube” flew between their aircrafts.

It was this incident, which freaked the squadron out so much that they filed a safety report, that convinced them that the objects weren’t drones as they previously theorized them to be.

These incidents were reported to the Pentagon and Congress, and, while everyone else in this story is refusing to hypothesize that they’re visitors from another universe – “We’re here to do a job with excellence, not make up myths,” Lt. Danny Accoin told NYT – we’re gonna go ahead and say it here: ALIENS.

Amanda Push


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