Ornate Feelings

by Dan Groth

About “Ornate Feelings,” a new DGO featureI was never much of a poet growing up, outside of weird scrawl I’d put in sketchbooks. However, in my mid-20s I began to toy around with the idea of creating ridiculous, pompous poetry. In July 2002, shortly after moving back to Durango for the third time, I got invited to a “Bad Poetry” party at my soon-to-be good friend David Eckenrode’s house. I eagerly sharpied some silly verse and read it like a self-important ham. It was a hit and I became rather productive with this particular genre of writing in the coming months, even going so far as to create a zine with odd, incongruous pen-and-ink drawings.

Dan GrothDan Groth first moved to Durango in 1998, but bounced around a bunch before moving to Portland in 2004. He has been back since 2011.[image:0]


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