Strain review: Glueball from The Green House Durango

by DGO Pufnstuf

I’m pretty sure I coughed out part of my soul last week. How did I do that, you ask? Well, let me tell you. It was Glueball’s fault. All freaking Glueball.

Not sure what Glueball is? Neither was I prior to smoking it. I picked this strain up from The Green House in Durango for review, and while I surmised that this strain was at least somewhat related to good old Gorilla Glue (or whatever it’s been renamed to post-lawsuit), I didn’t know exactly how.

Turns out I was correct, though it took me a while to confirm. This strain, an indica hybrid, is the product of Original Glue and Snowball, hence the name
Glueball. I didn’t know what the hell Original Glue was until I googled it, though. Turns out that THAT is one of Gorilla Glue’s new monikers. (Damn the man! I’m using that name anyway!) It just took me some time to figure that out.

Once I’d confirmed that this strain had lineage in GG4, or Gorilla Glue, or Original Glue, I was pretty darn stoked to try it. I love that strain, and I knew there was a chance I’d love any strain that came from it.

What I wasn’t so sure about, however, was Snowball. I don’t think I’ve reviewed that strain — at least not any time in the recent past — and didn’t know anything about it.

That said, weed is weed, and I had a job to do. Yolo or something.

Despite not knowing anything about Snowball, I knew that this was a solid strain from the moment I popped the lid off of the gram of Glueball I picked up from the dispensary. There were just two nugs in the container, but when I dumped them out, I was impressed with their size. They were massive fluffballs of light green flower, and believe me when I tell you they reeked. Bad.

Not in a bad way, though. When I say they reeked, what I mean is that these two little nugs had some serious pungency to them. They smelled like gasoline, pine, and oranges, a strange combination, but it worked.

Those fluffy nugs tasted just like they smelled, too. The initial hit off the dry herb vape I was using tasted bright and green, with just a hint of diesel behind it. It was completely pleasant to taste.

What wasn’t so pleasant, however, was the choking that came along with it. Oh. My. Good. GOD. this stuff was no joke. First hit tasted smooth, but I choked, and choked, and choked some more after a couple of seconds of inhaling. At least one part of my soul leaked out while coughing at some point during this
bowl. I just know it.

And, that trend continued with every hit I took. Nothing like choking like a noob after every hit. Even if I’d wanted to be discreet about smoking there is no way I could have been.

Luckily, I don’t give a shit about being discreet, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re an undercover smoker. There is a VERY good chance this strain will make you choke like you’ve never smoked a bowl of weed before. So, buyer beware.

You also won’t be able to hide the fact that you’re stoned out of your gourd after you’ve smoked a bowl of this strain. I don’t know what the hell they did to make Glueball so potent, but whatever they did, it works. This strain ain’t no joke.

It seriously took one or two hits for me to really feel the effects of this strain. I was amused, high as hell, and starving. The only problem with that was that I was so stoned that it felt weird to walk. I got up to satiate the hunger pangs caused by this strain and it felt like I was slogging through mud with every movement. So that was weird.

I texted my buddy (and your other DGO pothead) Blaze about it, in fact, because it was such a weird effect to deal with. And, true to form, all I got back was, and I quote, the words: “We’re stoner twins BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.”

Apparently Blaze was ALSO smoking some Glue strain. I can’t remember which one it was, but I guess we were on the same level from afar. Go freaking figure.

Even more interesting? The rest of this strain’s effects are creepers. It started off with a light head, heavy limbs, and serious hunger pangs, and ended with me laughing to myself before passing out in the same clothes I’d worn all day.

I vaguely remember having the strangest dreams I’d ever had, but what were they? I can’t tell you. I don’t remember. All I remember is waking up and being like, welp, that was weird.

Anyway, I really liked this strain, but good god, do not attempt it if you’re trying to be discreet or if you are trying to function. You can’t hide the fact that you’re smoking Glueball from others. You can’t. You won’t. You’ll be coughing way too hard, and laughing way too loud, to cover your tracks. But, in turn, you will be high and happy as hell, which — for me — is what smoking weed is all about.


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