Strain review: Lockport D

by DGO Pufnstuf

This past weekend was the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, and hopefully you guys managed to catch some of it on Saturday night, after the clouds cleared and the sky filled with twinkling stars. It was definitely a brilliant sight to behold. I spent that evening – the night before the meteor shower was supposed to be at its most active – laying out on my deck with some friends, just watching the sky and yelping every time a sparkling streak of light flew across our view. I cannot tell you how cool it was.

And, it was probably even cooler because Saturday was the night I got to try out Lockport D, a strain from Prohibition that has been available on their medical side for a while. This strain will be making the crossover from medical to recreational today (that would be Thursday, when this issue comes out), which means it will be available for everyone. Praise the meteor lords.

So, about Lockport D. This strain is a sativa hybrid, and was created by crossing Sour Diesel and Overflo. I generally expect hybrids that come from Sour Diesel to smell a bit like a truck stop gas station, but surprisingly, Lockport D really didn’t smell like diesel fuel to me. It was much cleaner, much less abrasive to the nose.

But, as we all know, the smell of a strain – whether it’s citrus-y or skunky or diesel-fuelish or pine scented – doesn’t really affect the effects anyway. Neither does the taste, which was kind of a woodsy, wintry flavor to me, although I definitely could have been influenced by the fact that I was laying in the middle of nature in the pitch black while watching the sky for streaks of light. You’ll have to decide on your own what it tastes like (and then report back, please).

Whether or not the nature setting influenced what I thought this strain tasted like remains to be seen. What does not remain in question is whether or not I liked the effects of Lockport D, because I know quite clearly that I did.

The effects of this strain came on quickly – as in, very quickly. I felt like I looked up to see the meteors, looked back down at the pipe, and I was stoned. I love that feeling of a good high kicking in. My notes say it’s like “someone just pulled all your skin really tight,” which sounds horrible to my sober brain, but I promise it wasn’t. It was awesome. Anyway, once that feeling began to weigh over me like a heavy lead blanket, I just laid back on the pile of cushions we’d thrown on the wood deck and chilled, content to watch the show in the sky. My eyes got heavy and I was at ease.

As I allowed the feeling to set in, I found myself letting go of all the adult bullshit that clouds our perceptions on the daily. We drag around so much, from the stresses of money and work to the strife in our interpersonal relationships, and it can be so hard to let go of. What’s cool is that Lockport D convinced me to drop control of the reins and let go of whatever baggage I’d been carrying. In its place, I felt a relief, and a sheer sense of amazement at how wicked cool nature can be. The stars seemed brighter. The sky seemed deeper and more vast. And those quick blasts and streaks of light falling through the sky were, in that moment, like nothing I’d ever seen.

At one point, a door slammed from the wind pushing through the open windows, and even though I was outside, I swear I felt the movement vibrate in my soul. Everything, from my brain to my toes, and from the floor of the deck to the infinite space in the sky, felt alive.

To be fair, I did have a couple of touchy moments after smoking Lockport D, but they were few and far between. I hate moths, and it seems like this state has a plethora of massive, massive moths, and they all love to congregate at my head, flapping and distracting me from cool stuff like meteors. Not the weed’s fault, though.

Oh, and at one point, I got into my

head and thought I heard wolves howling in the distance while I was laying there under the stars. Looking back, I’m pretty sure it was just some kids screaming in the distance, but I did get slightly paranoid when I thought it was creatures. That also had nothing to do with the weed, though. That was all me, and all my own wild animal paranoia.

And once I’d convinced myself that the howling was actually someone’s screeching offspring, I easily settled back in to that calm state of wonder. I spent the rest of the night feeling like something in my soul had been reignited. I was content to lay on the wood planks of the deck with people who mean a lot to me as we stared at the night sky. It felt like I found that childhood awe – that doe-eyed amazement that gets lost as you age – and it reminded me of why I love it here.

Durango is like no other place on the planet. I am, and you are, really lucky to be here, and I’m grateful to Lockport D for reminding me of that.

DGO Pufnstuf


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