Strain review: Peechy Keen from Prohibition Herb

by DGO Pufnstuf

Peechy Keen does not taste like peaches. It just does not. It does not smell like peaches, nor does it look like peaches. This strain, which we’re reviewing for Prohibition Herb this week, looks, tastes, and smells like weed. Because it is weed.

But, while it doesn’t taste, look, or smell like peaches, Peechy Keen is still pretty peachy in my book. Actually, strike that. It’s not pretty peachy. It is effing peachy and weird and I love it.

I’ve been on an indica kick lately, probably because it helps pass the time and I don’t end up cleaning manically or being super focused after I smoked it. So when I saw that Peechy Keen was an indica hybrid, I was pretty stoked. I’ll review whatever — I like being high more than I dislike being awake and lucid right now — but if I have my preference at this point in time, it’ll be an indica. Blame it on the fact that this is the DARKEST timeline. Not my fault.

Peechy Keen isn’t just ANY indica hybrid, either — it’s a cross between Sundae Driver and White 91. I love Sundae Driver — that strain is awesome, and I don’t know what the hell White 91 is, but it’s fine. Together they are Peechy Keen and I’ll take it.

This strain is new on the floor at Prohibition Herb — so new that when I picked it up no one had even tried it yet. And let me tell you, they are missing out.

The first thing I noticed when I popped the lid off of ol’ Peechy Keen is that it didn’t smell like peaches. It had a very slight sweet smell, but it was a sweet, earthy smell, not a summer bucket of peaches smell. Womp-womp. (I guess it’s fine. I don’t even like peaches.)

The second thing I noticed were the chonky buds that would put any other thicc strain to shame. This one has some meat on her bones.

I’m not kidding, either. A couple of the nugs in my container were as fluffy as my thumb — which is no small feat.

I was eager to dig into this bud, so I pulled a phat nug apart with my fingers and threw it in my pipe. No shame in my chunky-lover game.

It lit up like the hot summer sun — and once I took a huge hit, I knew I was in for a good thing. The smoke was smooth and clean, and while it didn’t taste like sweet Georgia peaches, it tasted like earthy summer.

That taste alone would have been the perfect anecdote to my nonstop “stuck indoors with Netflix” fatigue, but the high that came from it was just as good.

I went from being irritated with a slew of reruns on the TV menu to not even caring what was in front of me. My brain swirled with ideas about literally everything. I have one note that reminds me to ask you guys if you’ve watched “Into the Spiderverse” while high — which I’m 95% sure I’ve asked you several times, but if not, WATCH IT HIGH. MILES MORALES FOR-FUGGIN-EVER. — and another note that tells me I should write a book on the world’s most screwed up love story about a guy who loves a woman so much that he lets her hoard and hoard until he’s trapped in a tiny corner in his home playing with rats.

The rest of my notes are a hot mix of nonsense and typos, but I know I hit on some creative genius in there somewhere. I just have to detangle what the hell it all means.

Once I’d slammed out those nonsensical notes, I ate a bunch of junk food and took a long nap, during which I continued to have weird-ass dreams about all sorts of things. This stuff was like the key to the weird (weird for me, even) parts of my brain and I can’t wait to see what it unlocks next time I smoke it.

So, I’ll forgive Peechy Keen for not smelling or tasting like peaches because it led me on one very strange journey to the recesses of my mind that I didn’t even know existed, and it also did me the solid of reminding me to tell you to watch “Into the Spiderverse” while stoned for the 14th time.

Both of those things are very good and useful and you should listen to that advice. That movie is phenomenal — especially while stoned — and Peechy Keen is on the same epic level. Indulge in both. You won’t regret it.

DGO Pufnstuf


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