Strain review: Tangie Power, a beefed-up sativa from Cortez’s Chronic Therapy

by DGO Pufnstuf

Anything with the word “power” in it is usually okay in my book. Pony power, infinite power, or Max Power (yes, that’s a random Simpsons reference). All of them are pretty fantastic versions of power. And, you know, the same goes for Tangie Power, the strain we’re reviewing this week from Chronic Therapy in Cortez.

This is the first time we’re reviewing a strain from Chronic Therapy, so I’d like to give you a bit of background on this weed dispensary, cause you may not be familiar with ’em just yet.

So, Chronic Therapy is a dispensary out of Cortez (duh), and they’re pretty new-ish. By that I mean the dispensary initially opened back in July of 2018, but the shop was only open for a few days before some asshole torched it, causing significant fire damage and a huge loss of like, pretty much e’rything. The shop, which, to reiterate, HAD ONLY BEEN OPEN A FEW DAYS, had no choice but to close its doors.

But, like a phoenix rising from the marijuana ashes, Chronic Therapy reopened in early October, and now we’re here to help review some of their weed. Big mistake, arsonists. Huge.

Anyway, that major hiccup makes it all the more fitting that we’re reviewing Tangie Power, a strain from Chronic Therapy that is strong in both name and popularity, and has won MAJOR AWARDS. And for good reason, too.

The first thing I noticed about this strain when I flipped open the lid was that the buds were SO frosty. The orange hairs were barely visible under all that great trichome dust. I also noticed the unmistakable aroma of citrus, which was rising up from the container in literal Pigpen stink-waves. You could almost see it happening.

Those were all good signs, and things only continued to go uphill from there. I threw a couple of the buds into my grinder on a Friday night, and the smell it emitted, along with the crumble of the plant matter, was so uniform and pretty that I almost felt bad loading it into my pipe. ALMOST.

And, as expected, like the consistency of the grind, the burn of this bud was really nice and even, so much so that when I passed the pipe back and forth with a friend, we didn’t often have to relight the bowl. That, my friends, is a sign of well-cured bud.

And the taste. Holy crap, you guys. The taste was so sweet, like an orange candy. I don’t know why I was surprised, given that the entire container smelled like sticky sweet orange marmalade, but I was. Ain’t nothin’ like being surprised by the taste of weed in a good way.

I’m not gonna lie to you though. As sweet as the taste was, I still somehow coughed like I was in high school every time I took a hit. I didn’t mind, but I was a little amused by it. As someone who smokes what is probably entirely TOO MUCH cannabis, it always makes me chuckle to be knocked on my ass, even by the harshness of the smoke.

The effects, on the other hand, were anything but harsh. Like any good sativa, Tangie Power led me on a journey of creativity and mental alertness, two things that in tandem can lead a writer to some very good work. (I just screwed around and watched trash TV with a friend, but it COULD HAVE, had I not been so lazy.) My brain was clear, my thoughts were streamlined, and I had a burst of creative energy that could and should have been channeled into productivity.

I would definitely grab this strain for those days when you have a metric shit ton of work to do and your motivation is at a -10. Tangie Power has harnessed all the creative power, and it’ll fix you right up, lazy pants. It won’t even give you the munchies. You’ll just be a stoned workin’ machine instead.

DGO Pufnstuf


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