The brutal war between New Mexico and Colorado as to who has the best chile continues.
Just a few months after the states’ governors had it out via social media over the Hatch chile versus the Pueblo chile, a New Mexico ad is stirring the pot again.
New Mexico True, the state tourism department, launched a new ad boasting of New Mexico’s #blessed green chile and their “less fortunate neighbors to the north,” according to 9News. Perhaps the best burn though was flashing a shot of a Subaru, the unofficial vehicle brand of Colorado, with a Colorado license plate.
The 30-second TV ad chastised Coloradoans for thinking the Pueblo chile even holds a candle to the Hatch.
This ad campaign, which will run through October, get exceptionally petty in a glorious way as these ads aren’t going to just be showing in New Mexico. On no, friends. There are billboards in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo to rub in our faces.
We have no doubt there will be fiery repercussions. Coloradoans will not stand for this insult.
Amanda Push